One - Night Shadows (Manga Spoilers)

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No One's POV
    A certain group caught wind of the new meister at DWMA, the one who killed the Kishin. And the leader of the group  was determined to collect the body and soul of that creature. 
    Another group was only interested in learning more about this creature. The leader of this group, unlike the other, didn't want to harm the student, but learn and help him.
These two groups have been fighting each other ever since they knew each other existed. Both wanting the same thing for different reasons.

"Blair!" I shouted from across the room. "You should go to work. You're going to be late."
"Nya," Blair purred. "Spirit can wait. I am more concerned about why you are eating my fish raw."
"I don't know," I said.
"Also you're wolf hair is growing out of your back. Are you sure you are okay? We can take you to a doctor," Blair suggested.
"What kind of doctor can take care of a half wolf human breed?" I asked.
"Stein!" Blair said. "I'll ask Spirit if he can hook me up with a time for us to meet Stein."
"Okay," I said gleefully.
Blair left the room. I felt pain, like part of me was being torn out of my body. But I looked at myself in a mirror, nothing looked wrong. I fell onto the ground. When I got up I looked across the room. A wolf with (hair color) fur was looking at me. The wolf punched through the door and ran.
I looked again in the mirror, my ears and tail were gone. Nothing was left but the human part of me. Something felt empty- like I had a hallow soul.
"Damnit!" I yelled running down the path of the wolf. "That's me! The wolf me..."
I ran up the stairs of DWMA. Someone stopped me along the way, Maka. "Yn-" she breathed. "You heard about the wolf running ramped?" She asked.
"That wolf is me, the wolf part of me," I said with a breath. "I don't know how it happened, but we separated. I look human now, no tail, no nothing!"
"Makes sense," she said. "That does look like you from when you went full Wolfy."
"I am going to the library," Yn said. "I want to know more about this. The DWMA has to have some information."
     "I would come with you but me and the others are going to get civilians out of this things path," Maka ran off with Soul.
     I rummaged through books in the library. I found one called 'Night Shadows: Spawn of the Werewolves'. I opened and found a treasure trove of information regarding what happened.

    Half breeds of any species risks the chance of having their two halves split and each become two individuals. For different species of half breeds are different names of their splits. But the one that I specialize in is Night Shadows.

     Night Shadows are the werewolf half of a human wolf cross breed. These are particularly violent and have no human parts what so ever.

   They are savage creatures and can only be killed by their counterpart, but if the Night Shadows dies, the counter part will die too. So it's lose for both parties.

   The only memories it has of humans are evil and cruel ones, or of when the original transformed. Which is why they hold grudges against humanity.

I slammed the book shut and ran out of the library. The worker there yelled at me to come back and check it out, I didn't listen and continued to run.
I ran to the fish market where I usually found Blair in chaos. She was there, waiting for me with Spirit. "Yn-" Spirit started.
"Take this book," I cut him off. "It's all you need to know about what the werewolf is."
"Are you sure?" Blair asked.
"It's proper term is a Night Shadow," I said. "So that's what we will call it."
There was an explosion in a café near up. A howl filled the air, we heard BlackStar's yelling across the street. "I'll kill you! Bastard! I have true power, one that you can only wish upon!"
Spirit and Blair ran off to aid BlackStar in the fight against the night shadow. I ran too but an arrow in the ground appeared and pulled be back into an ally way behind me.
"Yn Ln," Medusa said from beyond the darkness. She entered the light. "I see you've found out the secrets of half breeds."
"How are you still alive? And why do you have black hair?" I asked. She looked different, she had messy black hair, and a spiderweb under her left eye. "And what the hell do you mean by 'secrets of half breeds'?"
"All questions will be answered in do time," she replied. "Right now I need assistance."
"With what?" I asked.
"Learning about Night Shadows," Medusa replied. "They are the only creature I have yet to uncover. I am curios to see its weaknesses. If we capture it then I promise to share this information with you and keep it safe from those who seek it as a prize."
"Who in their right mind would want a werewolf as a prize?" I asked.
"Like I said, all questions will be answered if you come with me," Medusa held out a hand.
     Should I take it? Will Blair come along too? Will she kill me? All questions will be answered it do time... She says... I grabbed Medusa's hand, she shook it and the gestured for me to follow her into the dark. 

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