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One Year Later
     "Honey... We forgot about something," Blair said.
      "And what is that?" Yn asked.
      "Night Shadow," Blair responded.
      Yn had a face full of shock. "Damnit... what do you think happened to Clair??" Yn panicked.
      Blair looked cautiously at Yn. "Maybe she is still alive. We can still save her if she is."
      "If she is," Yn repeated.
They got forces together to track down the Night Shadow. Wasn't hard, the Night Shadow left a trail of pure death and destruction in its wake. No one paid any attention the Night Shadow over the past year, he was able to obtain great abilities and fashions.
    By fashions, I mean wearing the blood of the innocent and strutting around. Gruesome, that creature is.
    Orlando, the location the Night Shadow was last scene, was the ideal place for Blair and Yn to start looking for the beast.
    "We are here," Blair smiled and laughed.
    "And so is the Night Shadow," Yn added.
Blair and Yn searched atop tall buildings and looked down for the Night Shadow. They were searching at night, the Night Shadow was most commonly seen at night (hence the name 'Night').
The only sounds that could be heard were cars on the roads. Until they heard a crash. Blair and Yn went to investigate the scene. And there he was, Night Shadow.
"Hold it!" Blair yelled and pointed, ignoring the destroyed cars.
The Night Shadow was enraged, he charged. Blair jumped and dodged his claws, Yn punched the beast after Blair dodged.
"Not today," Yn threatened, landing a kick in the chin. "Where's Clair?" Yn interrogated. The beast just kept attacking.
"Stop!" A voice yelled from an ally. Clair was standing with an extended hand towards the Night Shadow.
        Clair stood, dusted and dirty. "Yn!" She yelled towards Yn.
       "Welcome back!" Blair yelled.

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