Two - The Girl Brought Back To Life

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Medusa POV
Yn followed me to my hide out in Death City, where my army stayed silently. When I appeared in the doorway Eruka perked up immediately.
"Lady Medusa!" Eruka yelled. "What is he doing here?"
"The werewolf spawned out of him, I plan on doing studies," I said.
"Now tell me-" he said.
I cut Yn off. "I have had previous studies about Night Shadows, I learned that if they find the body of the deceased and a clean soul, they can bring the dead back to life," I informed.
"They can?" Yn panicked. "He was heading towards the cemetery where Clair was buried!"
"Precisely," I said with a smile. "Night Shadow must miss Clair as much as you do. So if we are correct-"
"He will receive Clair!" Yn rudely interrupted.
"Mhm..." I sighed. "I have a tracking snake here, I need you to put this onto its body. It will then attach itself to the skin," I handed him a dark green snake with a sticky bottom.
"Okay, do I go now?" He asked.
"Yes, and Eruka, you are going with him," she got up without a word of protest.
Eruka POV
Me and Yn ran down the rubble that is the street. When we got to the cemetery we saw Night Shadow digging every grave to find Clair's body,
"Hey!" Yn yelled at the top of his lungs. Yn ran at the beast with as much force as he possibly could. He punched the wolf in the stomach, pressing the snake onto the thick fur. "It's on..."
"Now we should leave, or hide!" I yelled. Yn grabbed my hair and pulled me behind a bush. The best hadn't looked at us yet, we still had time to duck and hide while if digs Clair up.
We watched through the leaves as he finds Clair's decayed and broken down body in the soil. He reveals a diamond blue soul in his paws and combines it with Clair's limp self. The result was a bright blue light. Clair's body laid on the ground, then her torso moved up, and down again. She lifted her head and stared into the eyes on the Night Shadow towering over her.
"Yn?" She said curiously. She had no time to think. The Night Shadow grabbed her shirt and pulled her up over his shoulder and he ran into the desert with her.
    "Where are they going?" I asked, I knew I wasn't going to get the answer I wished for.
    "Medusa's tracker should tell us," Yn replied.
    "Let's go back and see," I suggested.

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