Knowledge is Power

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"It must be here somewhere, I can feel it!"

The girl stood in front of the tall bookshelf, swaying back and forth on the stool beneath her feet. Her fingers danced over the bindings, eyes darting from title to title, getting more and more disheartened as she read. She sighed, stepping down from her stool, and repositioning it farther left. She then continued her search, just as she had done for the previous weeks.

"Why have I not found anything? It was a major event in our history!" She groaned, eyes darting to a small scroll resting on the very top of the shelf, feet above her. A small scroll caught her eyes, the symbol on the end being a small circle engulfed by a crescent. Her eyes lit up immediately. "Finally!"

The girl scrambled about, finding any chairs or stools she could stack up to reach atop the towering bookshelf. Despite her efforts, she still could not reach the scroll. She looked around even more, unable to find anything other than snoozing elderly citizens. She thought about waking one up, as he was easily two feet taller than her, but decided against it. After all, what she was looking for was not exactly liked.

"Excuse me, could I help you?" A gravely voice called from a desk on the other side of the room from where the girl was standing. "It seems you need help."

"Yes sir, I would love some. I need a scroll for my history studies, but I cannot reach it." The girl asked, clasping her hands together.

"I will get it for you, Diana, is it?" The man replied, straightening himself as he stood up, towering above her easily.

"Yes, thank you for your help sir." The man slowly began to walk towards the bookshelf, using various desks for support. "I'm sorry for making you do this, but there are not enough-"

"It is fine, don't worry Diana. I needed to get up anyways, my back was sore from sitting down too long." The man replied warmly, looking up for the scroll. "Is it this one?"

"Yes sir, the one with the circle on it. I've seen it in my history books and was hoping to do more research on the subject."

"Well best of luck to you, this topic is very tense with most people, so try not to bring it up too often." The man said, handing Diana the scroll.

"Thank you sir, I will be sure to do that. If there is anything I could do to repay you, just ask."

"No need, I have more than a man could ever hope for. I should be going now, farewell Diana."

Diana watched the man walk away slowly, then hiding the scroll in her robe. She rushed through the door the man had exited, turning the opposite direction. The sunlight hit her immediately, the harsh rays momentarily blinding her, casing her to run into something with a loud clang, knocking her to the ground.

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