Little Distractions

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Present Day, Diana's Room

"Sorry Mr. Yangtze, I guess I am in trouble." Diana chuckled, drawing the symbol into her notes heavily, and then tracing it as she read. "I guess I am."

Upon turning the scroll over, she noticed a particular illustration, which seemed to be a map leading from the Solari kingdom towards what Diana knew as uncharted land, only on this map it was completely filled, stretching through the Ridge of Days, causing Diana to chuckle slightly. "It all comes full circle." She muttered, copying the map into her notebook as well.

"Hello? Diana?" A knock on the door echoed throughout the room, startling Diana. She scrambled to roll up the long scroll and hid it under her covers, just as the door opened. "Diana, I was just wondering if you were going to come eat dinner at the hall with us later."

Diana turned to see a girl about her age peering into her room, her hair jet black, providing a perfect contrast to Diana's own snow-colored hair. "Of course, what time is it?"

"It's nearly time for dinner, you've been in here since this morning!" The girl laughed, "What were you doing? Is there a boy in here with you?"

"N-No! Nothing like that! I was studying for my history class!" Diana stuttered, a blush rising on her face. "Let's go, I'm pretty hungry."

"Ugh, always the bookworm." The girl teased, widening the door to let Diana through. "I heard tonight was beef stew!"

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