Denial of the Hopeful

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"King Corona, ruler of the Solari Kingdom, I request a council, if you please!" Diana announced, the king himself just sitting tens of meters away from her, perched on his throne. "I come bearing great news!"

"State your name and business." King Corona yawned, clearly apparent his eyes were closed. Diana approached the throne slowly and gracefully.

"I am Acolyte Diana, and I have come to tell you of a way to acquire great power, great enough to conquer all!" Diana announced, the king suddenly interested. HE opened his eyes and looked at Diana, recoiling in his seat.

"What are you doing? Have you come to kill me? Guards!" King Corona yelled, drawing is sword from beside his throne. "If that is what you wish, don't expect it to come easy!"

"No, sir! I come with knowledge of the Lunari, and an offer of great power! If we were to worship the Sun, which gives us great knowledge and strength, in concurrence with the Moon, which has given me great stamina and speed, we would be all-powerful!" Diana said proudly, raising her sickle dramatically.

"There is no such thing! Guards, kill this heretic!" The king yelled. Diana froze, slowly lowering the sickle, turning to see the king. The look on his face told Diana the answer of every question she could have asked. "The Lunari are scum, the Moon being a false god!"

Diana grew angry, the crescent of her sickle beginning to glow a bright red. Diana noticed this, however, and was taken aback. "Could it be? Was this the reason the Lunari were untrusted?" Diana asked, "Could they not control themselves with the great power they acquired?"

"That is exactly why, now remove the armor or die bearing it!" The king proffered, soon seeing his wooden door have a woman-shaped hole in it, Diana having left the scene entirely.

"Guards! Seize her!"

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