°°Chapter 2°°

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Today is Saturday and mom, Jake and I are going shopping. I'm currently dressed in a black leggings and a tank top with a cardigan and one of my many flats.

Jake and I almost always get whatever we want, our parents aren't  exactly rich but they have enough money to take care of us. My mom is a nurse and she's also a interior designer, that's the whole reason we moved because she gets more clients here.

I pick my phone up from my night stand and decide that I'm going to give Zoey a call because I miss her so much.

"How's New York?", she answers immediately as if she had her phone in her hand.

"Well hello to you too", I laugh.

"Oh, hey how's it, do you like it?".

"Zoey I only got her yesterday remember, I haven't seen much, but mom and I are going shopping today so I guess I'll see a bit", I tell her.

"Oh, shopping for what though?", she asks.

"For school clothes I guess".

"But y'all have the entire summer to do that", she say.

"Well mom and dad are making us go to school before summer, Monday to be exact" I tell her.

"Wait, what? But school is almost out for summer", she said with a surprised tone.

"I know right, but as you know once they say something, that's just it".

"Yeah I know, well I hope you like it, and if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or do anything to you, I'm flying to NY and-" she trails off.

"And you'll kick their ass", I finish for her.

"Exactly", she laughs.

"I miss you so much", I say honestly.

"Me too, tonight would be movie night, yeah?"

Yeah, it would be", I answer, Zoey and I have movie night every other Saturday, I'll miss that.

I hear her sigh "How's Jason", I ask trying to change the mood.

"He's good, he's hanging out with Justin", she replies. Justin is Jason's best friend.

"Liz let's go", my mom call from downstairs.

"I have to go, I'll hit you up later".

"OK have fun babe", she replies before hanging up.

I walk downstairs quickly because I know my mom is waiting.

"Hey dad", he's sitting in the couch reading newspaper.

"Hey kiddo", he replies.

I open the door and head outside to where my mom and brother is waiting in her car that she bought when she was here last week.

I got in the back and close the door.

Mom started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

"Mom don't you think it's a bad idea to start school in the middle of the semester?" I asked, trying to sound convincing.

"I thought I already made myself clear Lizzy, everything is already sorted out, and to answer your question, no I think it's a good idea", she said flatly.

"How can it be a good idea to start school so late, we already missed a lot", I argue.

"You're starting school Monday, period".

I groan and glance at Jake who have his earplugs in, so I did the same and the rest of the car ride was silent.


We got home half hour ago from what was a not so bad day shopping with my mom, she's always fun to shop with.

Right now it's about three in the evening and I'm outside looking around.

The weather here is different from the weather I'm accustomed to back in Cali, but it's not so bad though.

"Hey there", I hear a male voice say from behind me, I immediately turned around a bit startled. Mark.

"H-hi", I stutter.

He walk closer to me with his hands in his pocket, he's wearing a skinny jeans and a black and red flannel, his dirty blond is quiffed upwards, his eyes are blue"I saw you outside and thought I'd come say hi".

"Oh, I'm just looking around", I say awkwardly.

"Oh, do you like it here?".

"It's ok, haven't seen much of it though", I reply.

"I could show you around if you like", he offered.

"That'd be great I guess".

"Where'd you move from?" he asked me.

"California", I say.

"Oh I've been there, it's really nice".

"Yea it sure is", I answer.

"Hey Lizzy, dinner is ready", my brother call from the front door.

"So your name's Lizzy?" Mark ask.

"Yes and uh do you wanna come have dinner with us?", I ask.

He hesitated a bit and for a second I thought he'd say no, "Sure", he answer.

"Very well then, let's go", I say, giving him a small smile.

He followed me in and we walk to the dining room where mom was serving dinner.

They didn't mind having Mark dine with us, and dinner wasn't weird as I thought it'd be. Mark is actually a nice guy, he's convivial, it's as if we've known him for quite a while.

"I won again!", I shout jumping up from the couch and doing my little victory dance again.

Jake, Mark and I are currently playing video games, Call of Duty, and I'm kicking their asses, Jake taught me to play when I was much smaller but now I'm pretty good at it.

"I'm done", Jake says jokingly, tossing his controller on the couch.

"Damn, you're pretty good Lizzy", Mark said.

"Yeah I'm, Jake taught me".

"And now you're kicking my ass, that means I'm a good teacher", he laughs, "Anyways I'm going to head upstairs to my room, you two can continue to play", he added before getting up and leaving.

"Do you want to continue to play?" I ask.

"No, actually I have to go, there's this party that I have to go to", he said.

"Oh, okay, see you around then".

I walk to the front door and opened the door for him.

"Bye Lizzy".

"Bye Mark", I said before closing the door.

I smile as I walk to my room thinking maybe New York won't be so bad after all, I've only been her a day and I already made a friend.

I got to my room and plopped onto my bed, I picked up my phone and texted Zoey then went on twitter. I read a few tweets and posted a few.

I saw Taylor and his new girlfriend kissing and a caption that says 'Kate, you're the best girlfriend in the entire universe' and he tagged her.

Taylor is my ex boyfriend, we broke up couple weeks ago, I broke up with him when I found out that he has been cheating on me with my whore of a friend, Kate.

I couldn't believe she would do that to me, she knew how much I loved Taylor, but she went behind my back and hook up with him on several occasions.

Then he had the nerve to come to me begging for forgiveness, Zoey handled him really well.

I immediately closed the app and opened music app and begin to listen to Drag me down-1D.

I continue listening to music until I went to sleep.

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