°°Chapter 4°°

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A week and two days quickly flew by and I still can't believe I allowed Megan to talk me into going to a party this weekend.

I've never been to party before, but that's not surprising right? Zoey and I never attended parties, instead we would hang out at her place or mine and watch movies or play video games.

Mom is totally fine with me going, she said she trust me to do the right thing. And the right thing is no drinking, no sex.

"Lizzy hurry or we're going to be late", my brother call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I call back, I quickly pull on my shoes and grabbed my bag before rushing out of my room and down the stairs.

My parents already left so I close the door and headed for Jake's car.

Yeah, dad bought him a car just last week.

I got in and close the door, "Finally" Jake said with a scowl. I ignore him and turn up the music and begin to sing along because it's one of my favorite songs.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
The way you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know

At this point Jake switched to another song.

"Hey! I was listening to that" I snivel.

"You're annoying" he said.

"I'm not annoying, I love that song" I told him.

"But I don't and it's my car".

"Fine, be that way!" I said leaning back in the seat and looking out the window.

"Ok fine, you may listen to it" he said.

I quickly skipped back to the previous song but then the car came to an halt and I realize we're at school, I glance at Jake to see him trying to hold back from laughing.

"You're such a jerk!" I hit his arm.

He laugh and grab his bag from the back and got out, and I did the same.

"See you later" I say before walking away.

I walk to my locker and put away the things I won't be needing.

"Hey Lizzy" Megan greets me with a hug.

"Hey Meg, how was your date?" I ask, closing my locker.

"It was great, he's such a cool guy" she smiled.

"Where did he take you?" I ask.

"He took me to this fancy restaurant, and after eating and talking, he took me home and we kissed" she squeal and some girls looked over at us while glaring.

"Ooo emm geee, did he kiss you, or vice versa?".

"He kissed me" she said while smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Hey Meg, I was looking for you", Matthew walk up to her and hugged her.

"Hey Matt" she hugged back.

"Hey Lizzy" he said after he released her.

"Hi Matthew".

"See you at lunch Lizzy" Meg said and I nod as they both walked away holding hands.

Matthew is friends with Jake, that's how he met Meg, they are totally into each other and I think they are prefect together.

As I walk down the hall towards first period, I see Tyler making out with a girl, and that's definitely not the girl he was with yesterday.

Such a player!

I walk past them and turn the corner as I head to Bio.


"Are you a broom? Because you sweep me off my feet" Matt said while smiling at Meg.

"The better question is did you swallow magnets? Because you're so attractive" Meg replies with a giggle.

"Thank you babe, are you an air bender? Because you take my breath away" both Meg and I chuckle.

"Hey, let's play Titanic, you be the iceberg and I'll go down" Meg says.

"Guys cut it out" I say while giggling. These two will find the most hilarious pickup lines to tell each other. Just yesterday he asked her if she's Google because she have everything he's searching for.

"Ok, but we're definitely going to play that game" Matthew says.

"Not" Meg said causing Matthew to pout.

"You're cute when you pout, okay we're going to play" Meg says teasingly.


"No" we both laugh at him.

"Anyways Lizzy we need to find someone for you to go to the party with" Meg says.

"No I don't need a date, I'm only going because you talked me into it" I told her.

"Come on, I'm sure Matt can talk to one of his friends," she said and Matt nodded.

"I'm serious Meg, I don't need a date, now can we drop it" I say, not angrily but stern enough.

"Ok, ok, fine we'll go as a group" she said and I nod.

A few hours later Jake pulls up in our driveway and park.

I open the door and got out and he follow suit.

"Nobody's home" he says and that's when I realize that mom and dad aren't home yet.

We got inside and made ourselves sandwiches before we both headed to our rooms.

Twenty minutes into my math homework I'm disturbed my a notification on my phone, when I reach over and pick it I see a text from Meg, I reply hastily not wanting any distractions.

"Lizzy, get down here please!" my mom call from downstairs.

Reluctantly I get up from my desk and walk torpidly downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie. Do you wanna help with dinner?" she asked.

"Sure mom" I hum.

She toss a apron in my direction and I catch it and slips it on.

My mom and I are alike in many ways, I got my brown hair from her alongside my hazel eyes, she's convivial and friendly, she's very sarcastic and jovial, always making us laugh, she's in her early forties but she looks much younger then that.

"So how was work mom?" I ask her while I get started on the vegetables.

"It was good, I got quite a few clients today" she answered, "How was school?"

"School was school, nothing new happened" I shrugged.

"No replacement for Taylor as yet?" she asked with a wink.

"Mom, no," I say with a chuckle.

"If you say so sweetie".

There is no replacement for Taylor and there will not be for a long time.

I know this chapter is very short and probably boring too, but I'm really tired.

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