°°Chapter 8°°

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It's been two weeks since I informed Tyler that I'm pregnant with his child and it's been two weeks since Meg left.
These past two weeks has been great aside from the morning sickness and other complications that come along with pregnancy. Zoey and I went shopping a couple of times, we went to the amusement park last week and we've been to the beach two days ago and Jake, Mark and Matt went along with us and boy it was so much fun.

Right now I'm sitting in the living room eating ice cream and watching 'Everybody hates Chris'. Zoey is upstairs on Skype with her boyfriend whom I talked with couples minutes ago before coming downstairs.

"See you later lil sis, I'm going to hang out with Matt at his," Jake informed me walking into the living room.

"Ok see you later," I replied not removing my eyes from the telly.

"And you need to stop eating all that ice cream, ain't good for ya health," he exclaimed.

"It's hot Jake," I pointed out.

"Yeah whatever, see you later," he turned and left.

I finished the tub of ice cream and walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, on my way back to the living room the door bell rang.

I switched route and headed for the front door wondering who could be there since I'm not expecting any guests.

I pulled the front door open to reveal Tyler standing on my porch wearing a sky blue Henley t shirt, wash jeans with both his hands in the pockets and a white retro sneakers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a bit too harsh. He was the last person I was expecting to show up at my house considering the way he behaved when I told him about my pregnancy two weeks ago.

"Hey I'm here to talk to you, can I come in?" he asked.

"Look I was having a pretty good day and I really don't want-" I trailed off but got cut off by Tyler.

"I'm not here to ruin your day Lizzy, I just want to talk to you," he explained calmly.

I stepped aside for him to come in and he heaved a sigh before walking past me with his heavenly scent. I closed the door and gestured for him to follow me as I headed for the living room.

I really don't know what he wants to talk to me about but I'm guessing it have something to do with the baby.

I sat on the couch across from him and gulped down the water before placing the bottle on the coffee table.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked looking at him.

"Look Lizzy, I'm really sorry for the way I reacted two weeks ago, I was shocked and I guess that was obvious," he stated looking at me like he wanted me to say something and when I didn't he continued.

"I'm willing to take care of my child, that's if you want me to," he spoke.

To say I'm surprised would be an understatement. I would never imagine Tyler coming here to apologize, he's a player after all who gets a lot of attention from the opposite sex, but here he is apologizing and willing to take care of his child.

"Uh I know you were shocked when I told you the news but that didn't give you any right to react the way you did," I told him "but it's understandable and it's your responsibility too so yeah you may help,"  I added.

"You're right and again I'm sorry," he apologized. "Did you tell your parents?" he added.

"No, only you and my friends," I answered, "but I'm going to tell them soon," I pointed out.

"Did you already have your first doctors appointment?" Tyler questioned.

"No, I didn't. I'm afraid my parents will somehow find out," I sighed.

"But you need to know if everything is alright with the baby. You're almost, what, three months?" he inquired, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm ten weeks along," I muttered.

"And you haven't been to the doctor Lizzy? I'd suggest you tell your parents soon," he exclaimed.

"Do you think it's easy to walk up to my parents and tell them I'm pregnant? I'm trying my best okay!" I shout at him.

"What's going on here?" Zoey asked walking into the living room.

Tyler glanced in her direction before turning to look at me.

"Meet Tyler," I introduced.

"Oh", was all she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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