°°Chapter 6°°

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Tears pour down my face uncontrollably as I stare at the + sign. I've taken the test three times just to make sure; I know for a fact that I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Tyler Anderson's child. I'm so disappointed in myself, I'm always the good girl, the one who get straight A's, always doing the right thing.

How could I let this happen? What will my parents think? Why did I let Meg talk me into going to that stupid party?
So many questions are going through my mind as I stare at the plus sign. How will I tell mom? Should I tell Tyler?

It's been one month and three weeks since the party and for the past two weeks I've been feeling nauseous and craving pickles; my breasts are becoming tender. I didn't want to believe I was pregnant so I went to the drug store and bought three pregnancy tests earlier today and there it is the very horrendous plus sign on all three of them.

I knew going to that party was a bad idea, the drunk teenagers, blasting music and alcohol. Everything was just the perfect recipe for disaster.

I get up from my seated position on the floor and carefully got rid of the pregnancy tests, I wouldn't want mom seeing them.

I strip out of my clothes and got in the shower.

Several minutes later I'm out of the shower and dressed in a pair of stretchy leggings and a grey tee. I amble out of my bathroom and head straight into the comfort of my bed.

I'm happy it's summer because I couldn't face the horrible treatment I would get from the people at school, the name calling, the whispers and glares.

I know when September rolls around I'll still be pregnant and showing, and I'll have to face them but for now all I want to do is snuggle up in bed with my two favorite guys: Ben and Jerry.

I might even consider home schooling, but that's not important right now, what's important is trying to figure out how to tell my parents that I'm pregnant. What if they throw me out?

I get up from the comforts of my bed to get some food, I throw my hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs to the kitchen avoiding the noise coming from Jake and Mark playing video games in Jake's room.

I made myself pancakes and poured myself some orange juice. I sat at the table and was just about to devour my lunch when I got an idea. Ketchup.

I got up and fetch the ketchup from the cupboard and walk back to the table.

"Ew, pancakes and ketchup, that's nasty," Mark grimace, staring at me like I'm crazy.

"It's not nasty, Mark, and stop looking at me like I'm crazy, you're the crazy one,"  I retaliate.

"That hurts right here," he place his hand over his heart dramatically with a fake-sad face.

I couldn't help but chuckle, this boy never fail to cheer me up, "Such a dope."

"Whatever," he stick his tongue out at me, "Anyways, when did you say your friend is coming?"

"Tomorrow," I sigh. Zoey will be here for the summer and I know she'll be disappointed when I tell her I'm pregnant, but she'll eventually get over it.

"Is something wrong," he asked taking two lunchables from the refrigerator.

"No everything's just fine," I tell him getting up from the table and heading to the sink.

"Ok kitty," with that he left the kitchen.

After doing the dishes I walk back to my room feeling dispirited. I plop down on the bed and thoughts and questions consumed my mind.

Sixteen and pregnant Where stories live. Discover now