°°Chapter 7°°

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I'm awakened by the rays of light shimmering through the window and landing directly on my face. I glance at the time and it reads eight thirty am. I slowly get up from my comfy position on my side and quietly slip out of the bed. I glance at Zoey who is still sound asleep.

The nauseous feeling I have every morning suddenly came upon me and I seriously needed to barf so I made a run for it.

As soon as I enter my ensuite I started hurling my life out. Stupid morning sickness! As soon as I think it was over I started hurling again.

"Liz, are you okay?"  I hear Zoey ask from behind, concern evident in her voice.

I stand up and face her, "It's nothing, I'm fine," I try to sound convincing.

She give me a look that I know all too well and I know she doesn't believe me.

I flush the toilet and wash the disgusting taste of puke from my mouth then I faced her, "Don't give me that look I'm fine," I tell her walking past her and into my room.

"Look Lizzy we've known each other for all of our lives, I know when you're lying and right now you are," she reply following me into my room.

I know I can't lie to Zoey because she knows when I'm lying, I'll have to tell her at some point, might as well just tell her now.

I sit on my bed and she plop down beside me, "I did something terribly wrong Zoe," I cry.

She pull me into a much needed hug and rub my back, "You can tell me anything Liz."

"I know, but you're gonna be mad," I said between sobs.

"I won't be mad, I promise," she reply releasing me from the hug.

I told her everything that happened at the party-everything that I remembered actually from that night that changed my life and what happened the following morning.
I told her how I found out that I'm pregnant a month and three weeks later.

"Ooooo emmm geeee Liz you had sex and now you're pregnant for the school player that totally took advantage of you and I'm so going to kill him as soon as you give me his address," she blurts out looking furious.

"Zoe lower your voice, and it wasn't his fault entirely, I-I kissed back," I told her.

"That's elephant shit! You were drunk Lizzy," she argue, "By the way, did you tell him?"  she questioned.

"No," I answered "I'm gonna tell him today,"  I added.

"So I'm guessing Mr and Mrs Hemmings doesn't know," she said.

"No, I'm going to tell them but I want Tyler to know first," I answer, "I'm so confused, I don't know what to do," I sob.

She gives me a sympathetic look and pull me into another hug, "I'm not going to tell you everything will be ok, because I would be lying but  I can promise you I'll always be here when you need me,"  she soothes.

"Thank you Zoe." I seriously don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my friends around to support me.

After conversing with Zoey for a while longer I took a shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. I tidy my room while Zoey took a shower also then got dressed, after that we went downstairs to have breakfast.

Mom and dad already left for work so I fixed a quick breakfast consisting of toast and eggs with orange juice for both of us.

"Are you going to call him, or you're going over to his house?" Zoey ask before taking a bite of her toast.

Sixteen and pregnant Where stories live. Discover now