Chapter Three

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A/N: Here's the next part and whatnot. Hope you like!! ART AND OC IS MINE!!


I bolted upright from the couch and gasped. Sweat beaded down the sides of my face. Why? Well, I think I had a dream/nightmare, but I couldn't remember what it was about. Strange how that works right?

I looked outside the window, pushing it out of my mind. Morning. I looked at the clock hung up on the wall. 6:30. Wait... Wasn't I supposed to do something for Tails at six...?

My eyes widened once I remembered. "Taaaiilss!!" I shouted, jumping off the couch and zooming to his room. "Tails! Wake up!" I shook his shoulder.

"Ten more minutes..." He mumbled, turning over.

"If I give you ten more minutes you'll be late for work!" I cried.

He shot up and looked at me with his eyes halfway open. "What time is it?"


His eyes widened and he hopped off his bed. "Not good! Not good not good not good!!"

I watched him run around frantically, gathering notes on a table and putting on some sort of lab coat. He picked up the papers and turned to me. "You're going to be okay here?"

"Of course." I replied, and pushed him towards the door. "Now get going!"

"Remember what I told you yesterday!" He called as he walked out.

"Don't worry! I got it!" I called back. Then I shut the door.


After a moment of standing in the entry way, I slowly made my way through a hallway that led me to his workshop in the back.

Dusty, unfinished machines were lined up on the walls. A plane--the Tornado--was all the way in the back in her own little space. I placed a hand on its nose gently with a slight smile as memories flooded my head.

"Good times." I mumbled. I looked over at a desk and saw pictures tacked up on the walls. I walled over to study them.

One showed a picture of Tails and I, and something exploding in the background to the far right. Another showed us playing a videogame, Shadow and Rouge were in another, and all of us together were all squished in a frame.

Can't believe how fast it all ended... I thought sadly. Kind of miss them. Mabye even Faker.

I sighed, and decided to go visit Amy.

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I knocked on Amys' door for the third time in a row, impatience already stirring.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, jeez." A muffled voice came from inside.

The door opened, and revealed the pinl hedgehog. She wore an apron over a white shirt and kahki pants. Her quills were pulled back into a ponytail and carried oven mittens in her hand.

"Sonic?" She asked, blinking.

"Hey Ames." I said, grinning. "Baking?"

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