Chapter 10. Alten in Real Life

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"See you guys at Alten's place in a bit!" chirps Lily, as she breezes past us, heading towards her car.

School's over for the day, and everyone's in the parking lot, getting ready to go home.

"Wait, what?" I say, but she and Tyler are already getting into her car, and she just waves in reply.

Alten takes my arm to lead me to the Porsche. "I think we're supposed to be working on a history project together," he says. "At least, that's what Tyler said earlier."

"I'm finding it hard to keep up with what's happening in my own life!" I complain, as he unlocks the car and opens the passenger door for me. "You'd think someone would have sent me a memo."

"You'll figure it out."

There's a silence between us as he gets into his seat and starts the engine. I've spent the last couple of hours thinking about things I can say to him to get him to stay in my reality, but everything I can come up with sounds hollow.

Through my window I can see Alten's three friends a few feet away, standing beside three motorbikes. Alten waves to them as we pass and two of his friends wave back. The third friend, the sullen brooding guy, just stands there glowering at us like he wishes we were both dead.

"Your friends all have motorbikes?" Guess the motorcycle gang movies made a real deep impression on me.

Alten checks the rearview mirror. "I've got one, too," he says. "Back at my place." He grins at me. "Maybe we could take it out for a ride later."

I try to ignore the pleasant shivers that run down my back at the flirty note in his voice. "Where is your place, anyway?"

His grin widens. "You should know, Ash," he says, his tone playfully reproachful. "You're the one who made me live there."

I throw up my hands in frustration. "All these things I'm supposed to have given you over the years that I can't remember!" I try and think about where I would have imagined Alten living, but other than the fact that it would be pretty nice, I come up empty.

"It's okay," Alten reassures me, smiling. "You'll know it when you see it." He says it with such confidence that I immediately start worrying that I won't recognize his house when I see it. He obviously thinks the place will mean something to me. I'd hate to disappoint him.

We're heading towards the part of town where the mall is, and I wonder if Alten lives in one of these new apartments they built last year. Does he live on his own? I can't remember if I gave him parents at any time over the past six years.

The Porsche slows and stops. I look up. We're in front of the Wisteria Hotel. I turn to stare wide-eyed at Alten. "You live here?"

He looks amused by my astonishment. "Told you you'd know it."

Know it? I love this hotel. My aunt had her wedding reception here when I was eleven, and since I was her only bridesmaid I got to stay in the honeymoon suite with her the night before the wedding.

It was the biggest room I'd ever seen, with its own living room and dining room and giant balcony. The bathroom was roughly the size of my bedroom at the time, and everything was super gorgeous and elegant. The best thing was getting to order chocolate milkshakes and pancakes from room service at three o'clock in the morning. I loved the place so much that I wanted to live there forever and ever.

It looked like Alten had gotten the benefit of that fantasy.

The valet at the hotel entrance opens my door for me and nods to Alten. "Hey, man."

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