The Ice Cream

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I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever

Your Guardian Angel


It happened back two years ago. I was a freshman and you were two years ahead of me. You made every single moment unforgettable. Now all I have left are memories of the past.

Three days before graduation and I managed to avoid you up until that time. I arrived at school early to prevent any chance of seeing you. Unfortunately, my classroom was just a few meters away from yours so it would be very difficult to hide myself if you happen to pass by. All the rooms were still locked so I waited outside, watching as the crowd thickens. I pulled up the hoodie of my purple jacket to shield my face. If you can't see me. I won't see you.

A couple of minutes later, they finally opened the door. I entered silently and placed my bag to the seat near the window. I always liked that spot. The sky came into view and the cotton-like clouds sailed the blue. It was a perfect day to reminisce.

Listening to some music might help. I need to get you off my mind. I just have to avoid you until you're gone and everything will be okay. Right.

But still, that day felt like I was waiting for my death. It will be the last time I'll see you but I was too nervous to even look at your shadow. I think its better off this way. Less painful even.

The bell rang and my classmates made their way to the cafeteria. However, I stayed in place. Think twice before you go. I can't take the risk of bumping into you. Yet at the back of my mind, I wanted to go to you and see you one last time.

I walked down the staircase then my vision blurred as tears coated my eyes. Why am I crying?

I sniffed, shrugging the unexplainable grief building up inside me. It was then when you came. You were standing in front of me. I didn't see this coming.

"Come with me.", I wanted to refuse. My brain told me to walk away but an invisible hex was eager to agree.

The imaginary vortex won. We were now halfway to the canteen. I was supposed to stay away from you but here I am.

I can sense your eyes were fixed on me and I can't help but face the other direction.

"Are you okay?", you asked out of the blue, breaking the silence. With those words, I completely broke down.

I'm okay. But not fine at all.

I left you standing there and ran back to my room. I slumped my face down to my desk, sobbing. Nobody knows why I'm like this and I don't expect them to understand. You're the only one who can read the secrets I hide to myself. That's why you're so special.

I looked up when someone poked me on the shoulder. It was just my classmate. He handed me a cup of ice cream and a smile formed in my lips.

"Thank you. Ice cream makes me feel better.", I said, my voice cracking a little.

"Kyle told me to give it to you."

Kyle... Of course. Who else could make me happy at my saddest times? He truly knows me. My one and only guardian angel.


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