Five! Getting Started

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"And once you let me score, I'm a wanna score again; Double O, triple O, baby I'm a play to win"- Trey Songz


We finally stopped dancing and D sat me back in the V.I.P. He had a man bring me some more bottles and and said he was going to the restroom.

"Be right back beautiful. Don't move okay.." He said genuinely.

I smiled "Hurry up, you know I ain't going nowhere."

He licked his lips and winked as he scooted towards the back of the club.

"Bye bitches." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed two of the Ciroc bottles on the table and laid them in my big blue Michael Kors bag for the bar in my kitchen, free was free.

I couldn't stay here. I knew that this man had looked too familiar when I first sized him up. This was Atlanta's Dominic.

He and Jayla had a past. One that had changed all of our lives.

I knew if Adrian, his brother, saw me he would remember me. I couldn't let them find me after all this time. I couldn't jeopardize everything me and Jay had worked so hard to keep under wraps. I couldn't let them find out about Aryan and Dominique.

As I walked out of the club, I thought about how we had met those two, and how our lives had since changed...

[Two Years Earlier...

We we're really hooking up with them QuikTrip niggas.

I shook my head as I laughed at the thought. Jayla and I took their numbers and drove down the street to our final destination.

"Bitch, my panties just got wet." Jayla yelled suddenly. I dropped my phone onto the floor of her car as I slid down my seat laughing. That girl is a fool sometimes.

She looked at me as if I was crazy, while she fanned herself with her hand.

Jayla laughed and spoke. "What bitch?"

"You are crazy bro.." I said shaking my head, ."They were sexy as hell, but look too slick fa my liking." I reached down to grab my phone. Jayla was parked in front of the Science Technologies building a ways away from the campus.

Now Mr. Collins was 27 years old and he was born in a small town in Fort Wayne, Indiana.


That's all I knew. He was my fucking science teacher after all. I wasn't supposed to know this whiteboys' life story.

Anyway, this dude had been riding everybody since the year started. He'd never payed me no special attention or anything, but a couple weeks back me and my girl Felicia had caught this nigga on the phone.

We weren't spying but simply trying to finish getting the notes off of the board before fall break. I didn't need any extra work while I was on break and intended to get as much done that night as possible.

"Man, you don't even know!" He bursted out laughing in his office in the back. I didn't care about what he was talking about. I did mention a sistah was trying ti get out of there, but unfortunately I could still hear his conversation.

"She fine as hell, but shit bro, I'm a teacher, they'll have a dudes ass for that shit. She a pretty black girl too."

Well hell to the naw. This nigga wanted him some booty, and a black girl at that.

Now this had sparked my attention and I wanted to know who he was talking about. Clark was big, but not too many people took this class first semester so I knew I could possibly figure out who he was talking about.

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