Im Not Like Everyone Else

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                                                                     ANGEL'S POV 

So as me and Dylan argue about MY son I see Chris Brown walk over and help me out 

Chris: Is there a problem here? 

Dylan: Naw punk ass nigga there is no problem and what's going on here doesn't envolve u at all so u can go away now we don't need u 

Chris: Well from what I am seeing she doesn't want u around and I heard the whole convo so don't even try to deny it 

Dylan: Angel we r not done with this convo 

Chris: Naw I think u r done so if I was u I would walk away and not look back if know what's good for u 

Dylan: your such an ass 

once Dylan left I didn't know what to say at the moment Chris was so kind enough to help me out and get Dylan away from me. 

Chris: R u ok miss... 

Angel: Angel and yeah Im ok thanks for that 

Chris: No problem Angel and I must say that guy is an asswhole 

Angel: U have no idea, well it was nice to meet u Chris but I must go now before I am late to pick up my son before 2 am and I have no car and the busses stopped coming so I have a long walk and it's 12:15 am 

Chris: How far dou live from here?

Angel: About 10 to 12 blocks from here 

Chris: Well u won't make it home by 2 am and plus I wouldn't want u to walk home this late at night so I will give a ride how does that sound?

Angel: Really? Wow thankyou I wuld really like that 

Chris: Hey its no problem, I know that mothers don't want be apart from their child for long 

Angel: Oh really, how would u know that?

Chris: My mom, come on before your son trows a fit cause he's missing his mommy 

Angel: You know what u r really funny 

Chris: Thank u I try now where do u live?

Angel: Turn left here, then keep striaght for 3 more  blocks, then turn right and its the first appartment building on your left hand side.

Chris: Ok cool 

So we made it to my appartments and I invited Chris to come up so I took him to my place and then told him I will be rght back and I went to go get my son Alex 

Ms.Clark: He all ready ate I changed his diaper about 10 minutes ago he should be good 

Angel: Thnak u Ms.Clark 

MC: oh no problem child anything for a young women like yourself who would put their child frist before anyone 

So after a few minutes talking to Ms.Clark I went back to my place see Chris looking at pictures all over my walls 

Angel: Im back 

Chris: Oh hey is this your son? 

Angel: Yup this is my son Alex 

Chris: How old is he? 

Angel: 9 Months 

Chris: Damn 

Angel: What, wait hold on be right back I have to put him to bed 

Chris: Ok u go do that 


9 Months I mean damn ahe doesn't even look like she had a kid 9 months ago. 

Angel: Im back again 

Chris: So telll me about yourself 

Angel: Like what do u want to know 

Chris: Everything and I mean everything so start from the begining to now 

Angel: Ok lets see, Im from the Bronx I grew up with my parents in a horrible neighborhood I was bullied in school all the time. My mom work 2 jobs as a nurse and a mail lady. My father was a truck driver and car repairman. They didn't make much money as it sounds, whe I wa 12 my grand mother died of lung cancer. Then last year when I was 17 the worst day of my life had happened. Both of my parents were murdered by my dads brother. He killed them right in front of me, I was tied up to a chair really tight so I couldn't do anything to help them. Then after that my uncle's son who u met earlier Dylan untied me to the chair then took to the bedroom and tied me to the bed and took off all of my clothes and raped me right then and there. Then a few months after that I found out that I was pregnant with Alex.  I didn't know what to do with myself after that, that's when I rembered that my  dad had a friend who owns the strip club and he let me work behind the scenes until Alex was born and once Alex was brn he told me if I wanted to make more money for me and Alex to survive in this crazy world I would have to strip and I did so here I am now.

Like I said before this girl is very interesting to me she's not like everyone else she has been through so much in life and that she has a child she wants him to have a better life than she did growning up. She didn''t hae no where else to turn to so she became a stripper so provide for her and her son. I wants do anything and everything in her power to stay alove and I will help out when ever she needs it I wan her to stop stripping and to stop worring all the damn time. I want her and her son to not struggle anymore they need a better life more then ever and she is such a young person with a 9 month baby.

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