Be The Bigger Women In This

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               ANGEL'S POV 

???: Can I come in plz 

Angel: Ya sure Wayne u can come on in 

Wayne: Thanks, so how r u feeling with all this bullshit going on 

Angel: I want to forget my past and not look back on it but ppl keep bringing it up and making me feel like a piece of shit I just want ppl to see me for who I am not for what I do 

Wayne: I understand u only did what u did for your son U were left out in this crazy would by yourelf at such a young age with no one to help u out in any type of way U were raped right in front of your parents U had to witness your parents being murdered and I respect that cause most moms would leave their kids at the house with no food for days 

Angel: I never thought I would ever hear u out of all ppl too say that

Wayne: I may be a rapper but I am not stupid 

Angel: AWWW U have a soft side in  that alien heart of yours 

Wayne: Man u be playing to much yo 

Angel: Hahahaha I'm sorry but it's really sweet of u to say that to me I really needed this talk but still what the hell am I susposed to do with 3 grown women talking a bunch of shit about me and my son

Wayne: Well if I was u I would be the bigger women and take them out somewhere and talk like grown ladies but with Chyna I have no clue what to do with that crazy in fact I wouldn't do nothing with her cause she don't matter 

Angel: Should I really do that I mean they already hate me but what if they hate me even more then they already do 

Wayne: So what if they hate u or not u have ppl that care and love u man and plus this is your chance to tell them YOUR story and for them to get to know u for who u r 

Angel: I guess your right 

Wayne: Ya I am right and plus u being up here in this room is making them feel like their winning so if I was u I would get off my lazy ass and go downstairs and show them that they didn't get to u 

                                        CHRIS BROWN POV 

So I was down here with everyone and hearing my mom, sister, and Chyna talk shot about my girl is pissing me the fuck off like God damn SHUT THE FUCK UP. So I sent Wayne to go talk to Angel and try to get her down here so I can just hold her and show my family that I love this girl so much. 

Wayne: Look who came back down to hang 

Birdman: FINALLY baby girl desided to come down I'm glad u did 

Nicki: Awww sweety r u ok 

Angel: Thanks guys and yes Nicki I'm fine I just needed to think to myself and have some mommy and me time with Alex 

Lil Chuckee: OHHHH gimme Alex 

Angel: NO he is asleep and if u go up those stairs I swear I will hurt u so bad u will scared 

Lil Twist: Remind me to not mess with her ever about her son 

Lil Chuckee: Someone call my mommie 

Tyga: (Laughing) NIGGA u should have seen your face bro that was funny as fuck 

MamaJ: MICHAEL watch your mouth 

Tyga: Sorry mom

Chris: Naw man u good this is my house not your house mom so don't tell MY guess what to do and stop disrespecting MY GIRL she didn't do anything to u 

Lytrell: CHRIS don't speak to momma like that 

Chris: Well I have to cause she won't listen to me 

MamaJ: I hear u Chris 

Chris: No mom u don't hear me 

MamaJ: Chris I do hear u I just want someone better for u raher than a "stripper" who has a baby and plus she is most likely with u for your money anyways 

Chris: But mom sh-

Angel: It's ok Chris I guess it's time for me to speak up, look Ms. Hawkins yes I am a teen mom, yes I did work at a strip club, but I didn't want to work at a strip club or be a teen mom. I have been through a lot these 19 years of my life. My mother was a drug addict, my father was a lawyer. He didn't know that my mother was a drug addict she would steal all of his money and buy drugs. When I was 17 years old my mother didn't pay for her drugs for about 7 months. And one day these guys were knocking at the door and they jusr walked in the house like they own it.. They grab me tight t where it left a bruise and then 3 other guys grabbed my parents and tied them to two chairs in my room. They carried e upstairs to my room and layed me down on my bed right in front of my parents and took my clothes off my dad had to close his eyes cause he didn't ant to see me in that type of way. 1 Of the men there raped me right in front of my parents. After 4 hours of being raped they stop and the other 3 men held guns to my parents face and shot them right in front of me.  I called up one of my dads old childhood friends to see if he can help me out until CPS can find me a home. But he took me in permently as his child. 2 months after that I found out that I was 2 months pregnant. Once I had Alex at 18 years old my dads friend told me that I could work for him just to make money for me and my son. So I did first it was just being a bar tender then all these baby stuff was costing a lot of money I asked him if I could get more money for my son. He told me about stripping and how the girls make over 5k and night. I needed that money for my son to surivive off of. So I took the job and made a lot of money for my son. I didn't want to be a stripper I wanted to be a photographer and a stylist for ppl. That was always my passion since I was a lil girl. I didn't want what happened to me, I don't want my son to go through the samething that I had went through. 

Birdman:  Well damn that is a lot to go through 

Wayne: Ya it is now I see y Chris is so over protective with u 

Trey: I don't want my best friend to ever go through that again yo 

MamaJ: Is your fathers friend still in your ife and was he ever good to u? 

Angel: Of course he is still in my life and yeah he was good to me he has always been like a second father to me whenever my dad went out of town. 

Nicki: How can someone like u go through so much shit but yet still has a smile on your face? 

Angel:It  took me a long time have a smile on my face. It took Alex's birth for me to forgive them all even my mom. 

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