This is what I want

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After that talk with Ty I've been really thinking that this is really what I want. I want to be with Angel throughout this whole cancer shit and I will not go anywhere. She's been cancer free for 6 months now and she's 2 1/2 months pregnant. I'm happy to be called daddy again. Just knowning that there will be another baby in the house makes me happy.

Chris: Babe!!

Angel: Yes sweety

Chris: R excited for another baby?

Angel: I'm super excited and Alex is really happy.

Chris: I bet he won't stop asking me what we're having.

Angel: Omg he kept asking how did he get in my stomach

Chris: r we going to have to have the sex talk with him early or something?

Angel: I hope now cause I'm not ready for him to grow up just yet. I want him to stay mama's baby forever

Chris: Babe u know he can't stay a baby forever. He has to grow up

Angel: Ok I will let him grow up but the sex talk is a no he's way to young for that.

Chris: good cause cause I was going to have him watch a bunch of sex tapes.

Angel: Hell no u not

See moments like this I loving having with her she means the world to me and I love her for that like for real.

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