feeling a lil sick

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                                                                        ANGEL'S POV 

I've been feeling a lil sick lately and I don't know why I have been feeling this way. Its been a week since the dinner with Chris friends and family. Me and MamaJ have been talking a lot these past few days we went out and had a shopping spree thanks to Chris. But I keep tryna tell him I don't want his money but he keeps giving it to me anyways when I really don't want it. I love Chris with all my heart and everything but I'm not with him for his money or the fame I'm with him cause I love him a lot more then you think I do. 


Just spending my time with Angel last night just the two of us is the greatest time ever. I can't see myself without her and Alex, if they ever leave I don't see myself having a reason too live. They r my whole entire world that is what makes me happy. After me and Angel's Lil "fun time" if u know what I mean. If u don't let's just say she rocked my world and I ain't never seen someone do it like that before.

Angel: Hey Chris

Chris: Yeah 

Angel: Can u go and get me some water please while I go and get Alex 

Chris: Naw bae u stay in bed while I get u water and go get Alex for u 

Angel: I have two feet u know if I want to get my son I will get 

Chris: Ok u can go and get Alex 

Angel: Thankyou 

So that was weird I never seen Angel act this way EVER. What is wrong with her I need some answers .

Chris: Angel r u ok?

Angel: Yea I am ok why would u ask me that

Chris: IDK OH maybe cause u just went off on me for like reason at all. 

Angel: Oh my bad I didn't know I was going off I just love spending time with Alex and I miss having a mommy and me day with him. 

Chris: Y don't u guys go have a mommy and me with him today then cause I'm going to be at the studio for awhile. 

Angel; I wish me and Alex could spend some time together but we can't 

Chris: And y not 

Angel: Cause I don't have enough money to do anything witth him 

Chirs: What if I gave u money 

Angel: NO CHRIS I don't want your money 

Chris: Ok then what r u two going to do then 

Angel: WE are going to park then go to the pond and watch the ducks he loves the ducks.

Chris: Ok u guys go do that then 

Angel: Thankyou now go to the studio and smoke with your boys 

Chris: OK then cool bye bae (kisses angel on the lips) be good lil man ( rubs Alex head) love u both(walks out the door) 

Angel: Now it's just me and u Alex let's go get ready for mommy and me day 

Alex: Yea 


 So me Alex had our fun time together now we r sitting in the house chillin watching tv. I don't feel good at the moment actually I haven't really been feeling good for the past 3 days and I don't want to tell Chris cause then he will worry about me and I don't want him to worry about me I'm fine. 

Angel: Chris!!!

Chris: Yea

Angel: I'm going to be gone for a few hours I have some stuff I have to take care of ok.

Chris: Ya sure Angel go on and do that me and Alex r going to my mom's house 

Angel: Ok thanks love u guys 

Chris: We love you too don't we lil man

Alex: Mama bwe

Angel: Bye baby I will be back 

So as I got in my car I drove off to the doctors sign in and waited until my name was called and about 30 minutes later my name was called.

Nurse: Angel Johnson 

Angel: Yes that's me 

Nurse: Dr.Brown is ready for you 

Angel: Thank you

Dr.Brown: Ahh miss Johnson how are you today?

Angel: I'm okay just been feeling a lil sick lately and I don't know what it is 

Dr.Brown: Ok well then let me check you out ok 

Angel: Ok 

So after about fourthy minutes of testing and taking my blood I have an answer to my problems but it is not the answer I was hoping for.

Dr.Brown: Well it seems here that you have stage 1 of Breast Cancer 

Angel: W-w-what do u mean stage 1 of Breast Cancer how can this be 

Dr.Brown: Those deep long short breaths I had you do hurt your chest right? 

Angel: Yes it did 

Dr.Brown: That is stage 1 of Breast Cancer I am very sorry how about you come back here to my office in 3 weeks and we will talk about what we can do to get rid of it ok. 

Angel: Yes thank you so much

CANCER!!! How can I have cancer I take good care of myself. I don't know what I am going to do  I don't want my son to seeme like this now I don't even wanna drive home I need to call somebody that is not Chris. TREY!! I wil call Trey and Micheal.

???: Hello?

Angel: Hey Trey 

Trey: Oh hey Angel, whats up?

         20 minutes later

                                                                  TREY'S POV 

So once we got into the house Angel went right to sleep on the couch and me and Ty looked at each other then back at her now that I notice she looks more pale from the last time we saw her.

Tyga: Call Chris man and tell thim that we are here with Angel 

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