Starting Over Gone Wrong Again

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               ANGEL'S POV

So after taht crazy meeting yesturday Chris suggested that we can start over today at his house and have other ppl over. I told him sure as long ass they don't talk about my son in a bad way I don't mind I mean its his house not mine. Even though all lot of mine and Alex clothes r here I still have my own house that I pay for.

Chris: bae r u ready for this meeting again 

Angel: Sure as long as things don't go south Im good what about u

Chris: I just hope that things will go good I just want everyone to like u and lil man 

Angel: Oh so u don't want them to love me and Alex (raise eyebrows)

Chris: (laughs) naw bae I should be the only one loving the two of u not them 

Angel: u r one crazy person u know that Chris

Chris: well u must love this crazy person cause your the one with me

Angel: and I do love you  (wraps arms around Chris neck) I love u more than the moon and stars 

Chris: (wraps arms around Angels waist) I love u more than I love your food and speaking of food is it done 

Angel: Only u can change something romatic to something about food

Chris: I don't play when it comes to food so if I love u more than food u really mean something to me 

(doorbell rings)

Angel: True now go answer the door while I get the food out the oven 

Chris: (opens the door and see's Trey Songz) YOO whats up man 

Trey: Hey bro whats up its been a minute since I've seen u bro 

Chris: Ya man it has been a minute

                                 CHRIS BROWN POV 

Chris Im surprised to see u here before my mom got here man whats up 

Trey: She isn't here  yet 

Chris: Nope 

Trey: Damn man thats a first 

Chris: Ya man it is 

Alex: (crying and screaming) DADADADA!!!!

Chris: Come on man lets go upstairs so I can get lil man, Angel!!

Angel: your gonna get I know 

Chris: Let's go man 

Trey: Ok then lead the way 

Chris: (walks upstairs and grabs Alex) This lil guy is Alex

Trey: Damn he looks fly bro rocking those Jordans I see

Chris: a his mom buys his clothes I just dress him isn't that right Alex 

Alex: (laughs and nods head and grabs Chris cheeks and kiss him on the lips) dada ahh  ooo mama

Trey: wow man he is really adorable bro I can't wait to meet his mom 

Chris: Well let's go downstairs and go see her cooking

Trey: She cooks

Chris: Hell yes man I wouldn't have everyone at my house if she didn't cook bro 

Trey: Yo thats dope man Im glad she can cook 

Chris: Hey bae 

Angel: Yes Chris 

Chris: Someone wants his mama

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