dont say it

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Dallas walked up Opies steps and knocked on the door waiting for him to open it.

"I'm sure he called and I don't want to hear it" Dallas said brushing past him

"Listen I'm not judging you or him just get some sleep we'll talk in the morning ok? Donna already said she's gonna make breakfast for you" Opie said putting a pillow and blanket on the couch for Dallas

"Thanks Opie I appreciate this. I just couldn't stay there" Dallas said

"You know it's ok to cry right?" Opie chuckled

"Dallas doesnt cry Opie you should know this by now" Dallas said looking at him. She was right Dallas hadn't cried in years Opie didn't say anything else besides good night and he retreated upstairs.

Dallas got comfortable on the couch and felt her phone vibrate that as still in her pocket she opened up the text
Babe, I'm so sorry it was an accident and i know I could never take back what I did but I need you Dallas, you are my other half and I can't be without you. I'm a stupid asshole for doing what I did. Please don't push me away again. I love you and those babies so much Dal, don't do this to us

Dallas stared back at the screen and let her fingers take the lead

Jax, you did what you did because you can't keep it in your pants. That's not my fault I was so excited to tell you about the twins when you came home but you chose someone else's pussy. Do you have any idea how bad it hurts knowing that the love of your life just threw everything away for dirty pussy? That he couldn't even keep it in his pants when the mother of unborn children is sitting at home. Go fuck yourself Jackson. Until you can figure out how I feel then don't talk to me anymore because as of right now your nothing but a piece of shit to me.

Dallas waited a few minutes for a really but she didn't get anything there was a small hope she would but nothing came. Sleep took over her body.

Jax read her text over and over as he sat on Opies doorstep it took everything he had not to get Opies spare key and walk in the house and apologize to Dallas. Instead he curled up on the doorstep and tried to fall asleep but it failed

Dallas woke up because she thought she heard something, Opie and Donna must of been still sleeping it was probably the dream she was having, she sat up and checked her phone to see what time it was, she had only been asleep for an hour. Part of her wished Jax texted her back and part of her was happy he didn't. She was still so mad at him. The one person she had counted on her whole life let her down, the person she trusted the most just broke that trust. She didnt know whether to forgive him or punch him in the face. All of a sudden her pregnancy hormones kicked in and for the first time in 20 years Dallas O'Brien cried. Her phone vibrated she opened up the text and cried even harder and louder

I love you so much darlin', I wish I could take it all back. Take everything I ever did to hurt you back. I am so sorry Dallas. I wish I could take your pain away

Dallas looked up towards the front door to see a smoke cloud passing the window she looked out the curtain to infact see Jax sitting up against the door with his phone open smoking a cigarette. Dallas hurried back to the couch and covered up and opened her phone

Go home Jax, well talk tomorrow, meet me at Hannah's for lunch your buying because I want a cheeseburger

Jax smirked when he got the text, she knew he was there. He had until tomorrow at lunch to make it up to her and by God he would.

Jax waited outside Hannah's for Dallas to arrive he was hoping that what he took care of this morning would swoon her over to altleast come back to the house with him, when she pulled in it looked like her hair was wet from a shower she got out of the truck and walked over to his bike to meet him

"Let's go I'm starving, Donna's breakfast made me barf" Dallas said turning her heel and walking inside of the diner. As they sat down they already ordered knowing exactly what they wanted

"Listen I'm sorry" Jax said

"I know. I thought alot last night. Your dumbass made me fucking cry" Dallas said. Jax instantly felt like a piece of shit knowing that Dallas hadn't cried in years, and hearing her say that he made her cry made his heart break

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, I just love you so much Dallas I cant lose you or the kids" Jax said taking her hand that was placed on the table

"I can't forgive you yet Jax. What you did to me was terrible. You broke my heart last night into a million pieces but some how your all I thought about last night. How bad I just wanted to sleep in our bed, how bad I wanted you to rub my stomach like you do every night." Dallas said starting to tear up

"Christ Dal, don't. Don't cry right now please" Jax said standing up and moving beside Dallas and hugging her as she began sobbing. Jax had no idea what to do, he hadn't had to console Dallas since she was really young. Dallas always proved that she was stronger and refused to show any sort of sad emotion.

"Why don't I tell them we'll take it to go and well go home and eat and talk ok?" Jax said picking her face up and wiping her tears Dallas nodded

"I'll meet you there" Dallas said standing up and walking outside to the truck

Dallas sat in the truck for a few moments trying to collect herself. Not only has she not cried since her younger years but there she was blubbering like a baby in Jax's arms

Jax pulled in shortly after Dallas did he expected her to go in the house but she didnt, she waited outside for him

"Before we eat I want to show you something" Jax said as they walked in the house. Jax set the food down on the table and took Dallas's hand and led her down the hall to the spare bedroom door which was closed

"I wanted to do something special for you" Jax said as he opened the door

Dallas stepped in and covered her mouth with her hands. The walls were painted a eggshell white, there were two cribs on opposite sides of the room with two dressers beside them, pictures of motorcycles were framed all over the walls, the cribs already had animal printed crib sets neatly made and a rocking chair placed in the far corner. Dallas turned around with tears running down her face

"Cmon babe this is supposed to make you happy not sad" Jax said pulling her in for a hug

"I am happy, I can't believe you did this, thank you" Dallas cried harder Jax just held her and rubbed her back as she cried, making up for lost time from not shedding a tear for nearly twenty years

I am having alot of fun writing this... So much fun a already have several chapters written!!!! Anyone have any ideas or anything?! Let me know!!

An update just because I have so many chapters written!!!

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