running on empty

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Gemma knocked on the door lightly and opened it slowly to see Dallas sitting up and eating some hospital food

"How's the babies?" She asked with a mouth full

"They are good, gave me a run for my money earlier today" Gemma said sitting in the chair

"Dr said no one's been here" Dallas said

"I came once baby, they guys refused to watch the kids" Gemma said

"Where's Jax?" Dallas asked Gemma looked at the floor

"Been in Nevada said he needed to clear his head" Gemma said

"Bullshit. I can't do this Gemma. Jax and I we don't work I thought we did" Dallas said

"I understand baby, just don't leave Charming please" Gemma asked

"I wouldn't take those kids away from you or Jax but I can't be with him anymore, someone that is supposed to love me and want to marry me but he's to busy to be part of my life and that he can't even come see me. That's low" Dallas said they heard a knock on the door and dr Halstead walked in

"Dallas your scans came back fine, I just want to keep you tonight to make sure nothing else comes up, you should be clear to go home tomorrow morning" he said looking at Gemma

"Thanks Dr. I just want to go home to my kids" Dallas said he smiled, nodded and walked back out the door

"Good lookin doc" Gemma said Dallas chuckled

"Go get his number gem, you need some excitement in your life" Dallas laughed

"I'm gonna go back to your place and make sure everything is set for you. I'll see you in the morning" Gemma said kissing her cheek and making her way out the door. All's Dallas wanted to do was sleep. If she was going to do this on her own now she needed as much sleep as she could get.

Dallas sat on the couch reading while the twins were sleeping, she missed them so much. Gemma had stayed and made dinner for the two of them. It was peaceful listening to the babies  sleeping in the other room. She heard the bike roar in the distance, she sighed putting the magazine down as Jax walked through the front door

"When did you come home?" He asked setting his keys down

"This morning, I left a dozen messages" Dallas said

"I was busy" jax said taking his shoes off

"Sorry to of bothered you then." Dallas said standing up

"We need to talk Dallas" jax said sitting down on the couch

"There's nothing to talk about, I know exactly where this is going" Dallas said turning around

"I'm seeing someone" Jax said. Those words stung. It physically hurt.

"Ok then. Well I guess I'll be looking for a place to live then" Dallas said using everything in her not to shed a tear

"No need, I'll be moving out. You can have the house for the kids" Jax said standing up and walking towards Dallas

"I'm sorry it ended like this Dal, i didn't want to hurt you" Jax said touching her cheek and she swatted his hand away

"Yeah. I think I knew it was over when I came home from the hospital but I was to blind to see it" Dallas said

"No it was over before that" Jax said Dallas pulled her head back

"Who?" Dallas asked

"Don't worry about who Dallas" Jax said

"I have every single right to know who" Dallas said

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