the life

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Dallas sat on the porch waiting for Jax to return with the kids, she had to give it to him over the last three weeks Jax had been there just about every day after work and after his duties at the club, he cooked dinner every night and when he couldn't he ordered out. Dallas really didn't do much anymore besides the cleaning and an occasional load of laundry if Jax hadn't gotten to it yet. Jax still let Dallas work but most of the money she made at work was for her personal use, Jax made sure the bills and rent were paid, she had to admit it was nice having some help

Jax never really helped out before so it was all new to the both of them. He didn't or rarely asked for anything in return just an occasional kiss and they would snuggle close at night. Dallas and Jax remained abstinence as much as they could. Dallas wanted to make sure he wasn't just in it for the sex, on if he's stuck around for this long without sex he could wait a little longer. Jax had taken the twins to get some groceries. Today was an ultimate test both kids were cranky and he took them both to the store.

Jax walked in the door looking frazzled he set Alex down on the floor who was throwing a temper tantrum and Abel just walked into the living room Dallas walked into the kitchen

"I don't know how you do it babe. They were terrible. Alex knocked over a whole pickle display it was so embarrassing" Jax said

"Story of my life. Why don't you get the groceries out of the car and I'll cook tonight, you just hang out with the kids" Dallas said Jax looked at her like she was crazy

"No. I'm cooking, I told you babe I'm a changed man" Jax said kissing her lightly

"Let me help with dinner once I get her calmed down" Dallas said picking Alex up and carrying her out to the living room.

Jax laid Alex down in her crib after she passed out in his arms just like she had been every single night. She was a true daddy's girl

"You know if you have anymore kids Alex is going to be one jealous little girl" Dallas laughed closing the door

"Those two are enough to handle for a while. Never thought two kids would take so much energy out of a person" Jax said

"And you wanted to have another one" Dallas laughed

"Yeah I know, but you don't so I'm waiting until your ready" Jax said wrapping his arms around Dallas

"You making me get used to you being here all the time. What's going to happen when Tara throws a fit and wants you back home for her day off" Dallas asked

"There is no more Tara. She left for Chicago two weeks ago, she couldn't handle being second anymore" Jax said Dallas laughed

"I knew she wouldn't make it. Did she really think you were going to put the kids before her?" Dallas asked

"She knew that the kids came before her but she couldn't compete with you coming first in my life after the kids"Jax said

"Jax. That's not how it was supposed to work" Dallas said as Jax snuggled up to her in the bed

"That's how it would always work babe. The kids then you. Your the mother of my kids besides them you are the most important because they would be lost without thier mother" jax said

"Well for what it's worth. They prefer daddy lately" Dallas laughed

"Yes they do, but sometimes they still need thier mommy" Jax said

"They will always need me. Just like you" Dallas said

"Yup, I'm a sucker for a pretty face" Jax laughed

"Just shut up and kiss me" Dallas said

"At your service darlin'" Jax said ducking his face to hers

Dallas walked outside of work, it was dark as normal, Jax was supposed to meet here there since Gemma had the kids for the night but he had called earlier and said he got caught up with the club, she sat in her car and turned the key to only find that her crap car wasn't starting. She had been having problems with it for the past few days and Jax hadn't had the time to get it into the shop to fix it. She popped the hood and got back out hoping she could figure it out by herself.

As she was playing with a wire she heard footsteps along the gravel behind her, she stood up and turned around to have a gun pointed at her face

"You Tellers old lady?" He asked

"No I'm not. We just have children together" Dallas said

"Give him a message, tell him to stop selling guns to color" He said hitting her with the butt of his gun causing her to fall on the ground

Jax looked at the clock, it read 3:45am Dallas was normally home by now, something didn't feel right. Rather then waiting for her to get home Jax got on his bike and drove towards the hairy dog.

When he arrived Jax saw Dallas's car parked by the back door with its hood opened. He got off his bike and walked around the front to see Dallas laying on the ground unconscious, he pulled out his phone and called the paramedics.

Jax sat beside Dallas while she ate the pancakes the nurse brought in for her

"Babe you gotta tell me what happened" Jax said

"I was trying to get my stupid car to start and this dude came over and told me to tell you to stop selling guns to color and that's all I remember" Dallas said putting another bite in her mouth

"Your not going back to work there, it's to dangerous" Jax said Dallas huffed

"I was waiting for you to tell me that" Dallas said as there was a knock on the door

"Good morning Dallas. I have some good news you can go home it was just a knock on the head" the doctor said

"Good i want to see my babies" Dallas said

"Oh you already have children?" He asked

"Yeah... What's that supposed to mean" Dallas asked

"Well congratulations, I ran your panels and your expecting" the doctor smiled

"I'm what? There's no way. We've been careful" Dallas said looking at Jax who was smiling

"Except that one time babe" Jax smiled

"Oh right. Well thanks doc" Dallas said as he made his way for the door

"Babe were having another baby" Jax said kissing her

"Babe, the twins aren't even two" Dallas said

Jax took her hand and kissed it "I'm not leaving, we can do this besides they will be two in a few months we'll be alright" Jax said

"I swear Jackson if I have twins again I'm cutting your balls off" Dallas said

"You like my balls to much to cut them off. I love you Dallas and im sorry for everything I've ever done wrong to you. These past few weeks have been a huge eye opener in what you actually do for us" Jax said as he got down on one knee

"And i cant live without you anymore, I need you just as much as our children do. Your the only person I want a family with for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Jax asked

Oh crap!!!! What is Dallas gonna say?!?!? And shes pregnant again!!!! What should it be this time?!?!

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