new things

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Jax looked at himself in the mirror after his shower it had been four months since him and Jen moved in together. Things were going good but he missed his kids terribly, Dallas let him take them over night three nights a week he wanted more time with them but she wouldn't allow him over at the house on his off days. Truth was he wanted to be there to see every milestone that they hit but he made his choice. He could smell coffee brewing in the small kitchen down the hall, he walked down the hall to see his old lady making breakfast

"Morning babe" he said kissing her cheek

"Hey baby, Dallas called your phone something about Alex needing to see the doctor" Jen said

"And you didn't come get me out of the shower?" Jax asked putting his kutte on

"No she said she would meet you there" Jen said Jax slipped his shoes on

"My kids come before anyone and anything I don't care if I was dead asleep you come get me" Jax said

"It didn't sound important" Jen said touching his arm he pulled it away

"Doesnt matter they are my kids" Jax said slamming his hand on the counter

"Ok i get it. I think we need to talk I can't do this much longer" Jen said

"Do what? Be an old lady?" Jax laughed

"No be second in your life" Jen said

"Your kidding me right?" Jax laughed

"No I'm serious Dallas and those kids always come before me it's not fair" Jen said

"Your ridiculous. That is my family" jax said

"If you leave I'm packing your things" Jen said standing up straight

"I'll send a prospect over to get my shit." Jax said slamming the door behind him

Dallas sat in the emergency room with a crying Alexandra and Abel was content in his car seat.

"Dallas come on back, sorry it took so long" dr Halstead said taking Abel's car seat from the floor

"Thanks for seeing us so quick Will, she's still not eating, I'm not sure what to do she was the same as she was last night after you left" Dallas said making sure no one heard

Dallas and Will had been seeing eachother for a few weeks she was skeptical to tell Jax but he took it better then expected

"Ok well I'll hook her up to an IV and get some fluids pumping, did you call Jax?" Will asked

"I did but his bitch girlfriend answered so who knows if he got the message" Dallas said

"I'll have one of the nurses call him, let's get her hooked up" will said grabbing the necessary equipment to start a iv drip

Dallas heard Jaxs frantic voice in the hall, Will poked his head out and nodded Jax to the room

"How is she wants wrong?" Jax asked frantically

"She's just a little dehydrated, I'm gonna let some fluids get in here and we'll run some tests" Will said

"Thanks, was she like this last night?" Jax asked

"She was a little whiny, but she seemed fine when Dallas put her to bed" Will said

"Thank you Will. I appreciate that your there for my family" Jax said. Dallas eyes nearly popped out of her head hearing that cone from Jax.

"Sorry Dallas, Jen was being possessive" Jax said

"I knew it. Jax I called it. The second she had a fit that I asked you to take the kids so I could go out with Will" Dallas said

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