my fault

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Dallas sat at the kitchen table tapping her pen, it was her day off and the kids were napping so she was writing out bills. Unfortunately she wasn't having much money coming in and if she didn't pay her rent she would be evicted. Jax hadn't been around since the night they slept together, they both admitted it was a mistake and couldn't happen again. She had been pondering taking Jax to court for child support but she didn't want to get the legal system involved but any kind of money would help. She texted Jax earlier seeing if he could take the kids tonight so She could pick up an extra night to make some sort of money. She probably couldn't go to work because she hadn't heard back from him.

"Tara I gotta go watch the kids for Dallas tonight" Jax said walking into the kitchen

"It's my night off we were supposed to spend it together, we haven't spent any time together in weeks" Tara said turning around

"I understand that but Dallas needs to make money so she can have a place to live. And i see you every single day I haven't seen the kids in almost a week" Jax said

"Bring them here" Tara said

"I can't. I have to work in the morning and with you taking the truck I can't put them on the bike" Jax said

"Make Dallas come get them then. Don't bail on me Jax for her" Tara said Jax pulled his head back

"I'm not doing this for her Tara I'm doing it for my kids. The ones you claim to love but give me shit about spending time with them" Jax said picking his keys up off the table

"If you leave you might as well go to the clubhouse tonight. I'm not spending my night off alone I'll go to the bar" Tara said Jax shrugged his shoulders and walked out the door.

Jax knocked on Dallas door and he waited a few minutes and knocked again, still no answer he turned the knob and the door opened. He set down the dinner he picked up and looked around to see no one and heard the shower going. He walked to the bathroom and opened the door a little

"Dal, I'm here to watch the kids" Jax said peaking his head into the bathroom, she poked her head out of the shower curtain

"Thank god" Dallas said

"I brought dinner from Hanna's" he smiled

"Oh, I'll be out in a few minutes" Dallas said smiling back at him

While Dallas was in the shower both kids had woken up they were so excited to see Jax. He had gotten them all set up at the table and eating dinner when Dallas came out of the bedroom changed in her work outfit

"Your gonna go like that?" Jax asked referring to her short mini skirt and tight low cut tank top.

"Yup gotta make good tips tonight" Dallas said sitting down at the table while Jax got her food out for her

"How much do you make a night dressed like that?" Jax asked putting her food container infront of her. And sitting down himself

"Just under two hundred" Dallas said stuffing her face with some fries

Jax leaned back and pulled out a wad of cash

"Take this and stay home tonight. I don't want you dressing like that" Jax said putting the money infront of Dallas

She looked at it and looked back at Jax

"I'd been meaning to drop it off but someone gave me crap about coming anywhere near you" Jax said taking a bite of his sandwich

"Figured she would. You don't have to do this Jax" Dallas said pushing it back

"Yes I do. I should be taking care of the kids so use this for whatever there's about two grand there" Jax said pushing it back to Dallas

"Jax that will cover so much but I can't take it if Tara is going to be pissed" Dallas said

"I don't care about what Tara has to think or say. She pretty much told me not to come home tonight because I'm here" Jax said Dallas smiled

"Jax the kids think your staying so now I would have to deal with them throwing a temper tantrum so you leave" Dallas said

"Who said I was leaving? I'm not going to bail on them when they think I'm staying, I'll hang out till after they go to bed no big deal" Jax said Dallas huffed

"What's it to you the way I dress anyway" Dallas asked

"Because you dressing like that is an open invitation for any guy" Jax said

"Jax we aren't together. It shouldn't matter if I wanted to get some guys attention" Dallas said

"It does matter to me. I don't want anyone looking at you like that especially working at the hairy dog" Jax said

"Jax. Your not making sense, we aren't together I can screw whoever I want" Dallas whispered

"No, because we both know who the only person is you want to be with" Jax smiled

"Doesnt matter who I want to be with, Jesus Jax you don't own me anymore" Dallas said standing up and throwing away her container

"Technically I still do" Jax said walking up behind Dallas and wrapping his arms around her

"Just because I have your crow Jax doesnt mean that anymore. You made your decision on who you wanted" Dallas said unable to move as Jax kissed her shoulder

"Oh you know it means that and more. And I may have stayed away for a little bit but we both know where I really belong" Jax said letting her go

"Jax. I don't know I mean you cheated on Tara, with me. I don't want to be some home wreaker" Dallas said cleaning off the kids trays

"But your not a home wreaker, trust me darlin', Tara was just a sad time out for what I really want" Jax said picking Abel up out of his chair

"Jax, you can't just break her heart like that" Dallas said picking Alex up

"But I did it to you and that's my fault. I wish I could take back everything I said to you that night but I can't" Jax said moving closer " I mean look at us right now. We're acting like a family is supposed to" He said

"I know things will go back to what they were before, I know it. I mean come on this would be the third time Jax. You and Tara are engaged. You clearly belong with her" Dallas said

"No your wrong Dallas and im going to prove it to you" Jax said taking Alex out of her arms so he had both kids "cmon guys let's go take a bath!" Jax said walking down the hall.

Jax knew he was going to prove himself to Dallas no matter what he had to do to prove that they were meant for eachother

It will be coming to an end very soon!!!! Thank you to all my readers!

Currently listening to Drink a beer by luke Bryan

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