never letting go

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Dallas walked out of the steamy bathroom leaving a steam cloud behind her

"I feel so much better" she said plopping down on the bed

"You look better, I don't know why you had so much makeup on Dal, you didn't need to do that for me" Jax said taking her in his arms

"I did it for your mother not for you, she insisted" Dallas said cuddling up next to Jax

"Well she did go over the top with this one" he laughed kissing her forehead

"That she did but it was beautiful, it came together so well" Dallas said

"Abel and Alex did great too, they looked adorable" Jax said

"So did little Jax, even if he cry the whole time" Jax laughed remembering Everytime Bobby began to speak little Jax cried

"He must of been tired, you know how he likes to snuggle with me when he's sleepy" Dallas said

"Yeah, I know I named the kid after me and all's he wants is his mother, it's like a kick in the dick" Jax said

"You wanted to name him that" Dallas laughed

"So how does it feel to be Mrs. Teller?" Jax asked

"The same as it was before just with a ring on my finger" Dallas said raising her hand up

"You know your the queen now, how does that feel" Jax asked again

"Let's get something straight. Ive always been the queen, since I was a kid wishing i was all of your girlfriend's. I was made for this, you made a good choice" Dallas said

"Ah there's my mother's wisdom coming out, she always told me you would be the Queen one day it just took me a long time to realize it was her feeding your head" Jax said

"Hey now. I'll be the best goddamn Samcro queen, besides your mother of course" Dallas laughed

"Don't tell her but i think you'll be better" Jax whispered as if Gemma could hear him say that

"Let's hope the kids stay sleeping tonight so I can ravage my king" Dallas said getting on top of Jax

"Oh I didn't tell you? My mom picked them up while you were in the shower" Jax smiled leaning up for a kiss

Ten years later

"Mom! You wanna get little Jax outta my room! He's touching my stuff again" Alex yelled down the stairs

Dallas stood up from the couch and walked to the bottom of the stairs

"Jackson can you please come down here" Dallas said watching the little five year old boy walk out of his sister's room with his head hung just like his father's when he is called Jackson

"But mommy I want to watch TV with her" Little jax said walking down the stairs

"Cmon, daddy will be here soon to take you to your game" Dallas said walking back to the couch and sitting down

Little Jax came over and sat next to her he rested his hand on her swollen stomach

"Am I not your baby anymore mommy?" Little Jax asked

"Baby you'll always be my baby boy. Your sister will no longer be the only girl." Dallas said running her hands through little Jaxs hair

"Ok, good. But I'm going to protect her like a big brother should" he smiled

"Good, I think daddy is gonna be here any minute with Abel why don't you go get ready" Dallas said handing little Jax his football uniform

On cue Jax was opening the door as little Jax came down the stairs ready for his game

"Hey babe, Abel's grounded for a month, got suspended for three days for knocking Joshua out" Jax said kissing Dallas's cheek and rubbing her stomach at the same time

"You got it. I wish I could go to his last game" Dallas said

"Next year babe. Dr wanted you to relax after the last time" Jax said reminding Dallas about the last time she got pregnant and ended up miscarrying in her 19th week

"I know. Take pictures for me will you" Dallas asked Jax smiled at her

"I always do. I'm gonna order some pizza for you guys, I'll be back as soon as he's done" Jax said kissing Dallas again as she nodded

Abel came downstairs with his headphones in his ears and plopped down on the couch next to Dallas

"Mom, do you think dad would be mad if I didn't want to ride motorcycles?" He asked pulling the headphones out of his ears

"Well, baby, dad would be a little upset but I don't think he would be mad, your his first boy he assumed you would want to, why is there something you want to do?" Dallas asked shifting her body slightly

"Yeah, kind of. I think I want to be a doctor, I want to help people mom" Abel said Dallas smiled

"You can be whatever you want Abel. You are a smart kid and i highly doubt your father would be upset with you wanting to be a doctor" Dallas said

"Good, cause I think little Jax wants to ride motorcycles with dad" Abel said as he leaned his head on her shoulder "I love you mom, I can always talk to you" Abel said

Dallas kissed Abel's short hair "I'm always here to talk to you Abel, you'll always be my first baby boy" Dallas said as she heard two car doors shut

"Mommy we won!!!" Little Jax yelled as he ran into the house

"Stop right there and take off those cleets" Dallas scolded, little Jax stopped and started to take off his cleets

"But mom you don't get it! I tackled George and he's a big dude, dad was screaming my name he was so happy" little Jax said as he ran over and hugged his mother

"I'm sure he was proud" Dallas said as she watched Jax walk through the door with a few pizzas

"The guys are coming over for pizza and a few beers hope that's ok darlin'" Jax said as he set the pizzas down on the island

"Of course, listen baby I want to tell you something and i hope you won't be mad when Abel tells you" Dallas said waddling out to the kitchen

Jax looked at her terrified

"He wants to be a doctor, he doesn't want to ride" Dallas said Jax smiled

"Good for him. Tell him to get Alex going inna good direction. I've got my little dude to ride with me" Jax said Dallas smiled, knowing Jax wouldn't of gotten mad, all's he wanted was the best for all of his children.

Shortly after all the members of Samcro entered the house Dallas water broke and fourteen hours later she delivered Olivia Teller

Abel became a doctor just like he said he wanted to
Alexandra became a teacher after constantly battling with her mother about college
Little Jax followed his father's footsteps and eventually held the gavel
And Olivia became the first female member of Samcro and became her brothers SAA

Well! That's it!!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Thank you to all my readers!!! You guys rock!!!!

Currently listening to Crazy little thing called love by Queen

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