falling apart

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Dallas pinched the bridge of her nose as Alex threw herself on the floor screaming because Jax just walked out the door. This had been going on for the past week, every time Jax drops the twins off Alex normally throws a temper tantrum for hours. Dallas didn't want it to be this way. She wasnt the one who called off the wedding or thier relationship, it was all Jax's doing. Even though it had been a year Dallas remembers the conversation like it was yesterday

"Dallas we need to discuss a few things" Jax said setting his keys down on the table by the door

"Ok what's that?" She asked standing up

"I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this but im just not happy anymore, I'm stressed and you want me to help out all the time and I just can't" Jax said

"Whoa where is this coming from. jax were getting married in two weeks" Dallas said putting her hands up

"I can't explain it anymore, I just don't want to be with you. I can't see a future with a whiny, needy old lady. I need someone who is strong and independent and that's not you anymore" Jax said. Dallas couldn't believe he was saying these things to her

"Since when am i needy? Or whiny? I think I do a pretty damn good job of being home alone all the fucking time taking care of the twins while your out doing god knows what. I don't ask questions I don't call you every five fucking minutes. I can't believe your saying these things to me" Dallas said walking past him and stopping and turning around "your literally going to throw everything we have away?" Dallas asked

"I said what I had to say. I told you how I feel. This has been a long time coming I wanted you to end it hence why I haven't been home in four days hoping you would say fuck it, but no" Jax said

"Why because you didn't have the balls to come here and tell me yourself? You didn't want to break my heart? Guess what Jackson your not breaking my heart your going to break those kids hearts when they wake up tomorrow and figure out thier daddy isnt here." Dallas said

"How do I even know those are my kids? God knows who you slept with before me" Jax yelled. Dallas looked at him wide eyed

"Get out, who the fuck do you think you are? Both of those god damn kids look just fucking like you" Dallas yelled loud enough to wake one of the kids up Jax went to walk down the hall

"I don't think so you don't get to come near my kids especially if you think they aren't yours" Dallas said pushing him

"Move Dallas" Jax said Dallas stayed put as the crying now turned into two sets of cries Jax pushed her and pushed her so hard that she fell onto the floor. Jax towered over her and bent down

"This is why you would never make a good old lady, you never do as your fucking told" Jax said as he gripped his hand around Dallas's throat. He looked menacing, he wasn't the Jax that she knew. He didn't blink as he stared into her eyes. When he let go Dallas sat up and with a flash Jax was out the door.

Dallas had finally gotten Alex to calm down enough to take a nap. She looked at the time and realized she needed to be to work in an hour. Jax was supposed to have them over night tonight but as always something came up and he needed to drop them back off after only having them for a few hours. She didn't want to call Gemma but she didn't have a choice. Gemma and Dallas weren't on the best of terms anymore. Gemma took Jax's side that she wasn't a good enough old lady and that she should of never told Jax to get out of his own house.

"Gemma I hate to do this but could you come to my apartment and watch the kids tonight? Jax dropped them off early and I can't miss work again or I'll loose my job" Dallas asked into the phone

"Any chance to come see my babies of course give me a bit and I'll be over" Gemma said hanging up. Dallas couldn't believe how easy it was normally Gemma have her the run around and Dallas ended up calling out of work

Jax sat at the bar drinking another shot of whiskey trying to drink away the pain

"Jackie boy you got a visitor" Chibs said patting Jax on the back. When he looked up he smiled as she walked over

"Wasn't expecting you here this early" Jax said as she kissed her cheek

"Rounds were finished early and Margaret let me go early since I've been working so much" Tara said

"Glad your here. Wanna head out? Was thinking of heading to the hairy dog tonight if that's alright with you" Jax smiled as he kissed her lightly

"Doesnt Dallas work there?" Tara asked

"I dropped the kids off early so she had to of called out. I'm not worried babe. Besides we've been done a while a long while she needs to get over it" Jax said as they walked out of the clubhouse

"I just don't want to stir anything up jax. We've been hiding it from here for a year or so now I just don't want her to take the kids away from you and I love little Abel" Tara said as jax wrapped his arm around her shoulder

"She wouldn't dare take those kids from me. She can't handle them on her own" Jax laughed recalling the time Abel was throwing a fit and Dallas asked Jax to come get him. Truth was Jax never had the kids, most of the time Dallas would end up finding a sitter because Jax would drop them off early or call last minute and say he wasn't taking them. The only time he ever had the kids was when Tara wasn't working so she could take care of them

Dallas hated working at the hairy dog but she didn't have much of a choice. Jax made her move out of the house they shared and she found a small two bedroom apartment above a coffee shop on main St. She could barely afford her rent along with other bills. And it hurt her funds terribly if she had to call out. She would make decent tips on the weekdays but the weekends is where most of her tips came from so she could put a little bit of food in the house. Jax rarely gave her money for anything she needed. She was wiping down the bar when the door opened, she looked up and saw Jax followed by Tara. Dallas always hated Tara. Tara treated Jax like shit when they were growing up but Jax always seemed to go back to her, and every single time that Tara would break his heart Dallas was there to pick up the pieces. Dallas looked up and make eye contact with Jax who must of told Tara to go get a table

"Where are the kids?" Jax asked leaning on the bar

"Your moms at my apartment, if I call out I get fired. And then we will be homeless not that you really care" Dallas said placing the towel down on the bar

"Sorry i had plans. But you need to stop asking my mom to babysit. Tell your boss that you can only work on the nights I have the kids" Jax said Dallas pulled back

"You were supposed to have them tonight and tomorrow but clearly I see where your head is and has been for the past year. I knew it Jax just needed the verification, you think I'm oblivious to shit" Dallas said

"Well deal with it. We're getting married" Jax smiled

"Have fun with that Jax. Remember the last time you two were together? She broke your heart and who picked up the pieces when you were devastated? Guess what not this time" Dallas said walking away from him

"I want to be served" Jax yelled

"Find another bartender and leave me alone. I don't have to serve you, I already know your half in the bag so technically I shouldn't serve you." Dallas said walking back over to him

"I'll call my mother and tell her to leave the apartment" Jax said pulling out his phone

"Your really going to think your mother will leave her two grandchildren alone? Are you that stupid? I always thought it was me who screwed everything up, but look at you. Acting like a little child. Piss of Jax, maybe I should have your visits be supervised so that little tart doesn't go near my kids" Dallas said Jax reached across the bar and grabbed Dallas by her shirt and drew her to him

"You don't get to talk to me like that anymore your NOT my old lady " Jax growled in her face

"Technically I am, I still wear your crow not her but Let's get one thing straight Jackson. I may not your old lady anymore but that doesn't entitle you to put your hands on me" Dallas said pushing him away making him stumble back

I know I know. I didn't plan on having Tara show up but she won't be hang out for long. Don't you worry

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