Part1(the first time i laid eyes on her)

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(First Audition)
I can't believe i'm actually here; Me, Lauren Jauragui here in the waiting room of the X Factor auditions. I cannot believe I'm actually doing this after so many years of watching this show I'm going to be singing in front of the judges, people who i have looked up to for so many years started off here and now I'm here. I have never felt so sick yet so excited in all of my life.

I had been sat here around 4 hours and every minute that passed felt like an hour i just wanted to get this over with, i need to hear what the judges think of me. This is make or break.
Several hours had passed when finally my name was called, this is it. I sang my heart out and my body froze afterwards waiting for the judges to make there comments. They loved me. Oh my god they actually loved me! I cannot even describe how happy and elated i feel right now.

So earlier today i performed at bootcamp which is crazy and it couldn't of gone better but now as i sit here awaiting my fate knowing my whole future lies in the hands of these people i can't help but over think and doubt myself, this was the worse feeling i had ever felt. My stomach churned as i sat silently waiting. I heard my name along with a few others and we was told to head to the stage. As i heard the words 'I'm sorry guys your going home' my heart hit the bottom of my stomach and i dropped to my knees. All of my hard work all I've ever dreamed about was now just a shattered dream, i am devastated. I managed to drag myself off the floor and backstage to my family, who give me endless support in anything i do they hugged me so tight and told me i can not give up.

As we started to walk towards the exit one of the production team shouted some names out 'Camila Cabello, Normani Hamilton, Dinah-Jane Hanson, Ally Brooke Hernandez and Lauren Jauragui the judges would like to see you all back on stage now please. What was happening? The slightest bit of hope ran through my body as i brushed myself off and walked onto the stage. Thats when i laid eyes on her.

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