Part3(the day after the night before)

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I woke up in such a dream state this morning, i cant believe what happened to me last night. I cant believe I'm now part of a girlgroup and i certainly cant believe I'm going to judges houses.

This is such a crazy feeling. I sat smiling for a while before pulling my phone from under my pillow, i had a text off of Ally asking me to add her on Facebook and follow her on Instagram and twitter followed by her usernames etc, she also said she sent Dinah a text with my number on seen as we didn't get chance to meet properly and that she hopes i don't mind. Of course i didn't mind.

I spent most of the night laid thinking about Dinah, so confused as to why i cant get her out of my head! I mean I'm straight, well atleast i thought i was but thinking about another girl as much as this is really making me question that. I searched for Ally on her social medias and followed/added all her accounts. Underneath the 'About' part of Allys facebook page it read 'became friends with Dinah-Jane Hanson and 12 others' I clicked on her profile and before i had chance to look my phone went off, i had a text from Dinah reading 'Hey. Im so sorry we didn't get chance to meet properly yesterday i was in a hella mad rush and couldn't find you before i left, but Im Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. This is gon be one crazy adventure huh?' I sat there staring at my phone, my heart was pounding and i felt so nervous. before responding i went back to her Facebook page, i have to know what it is about this girl thats making me feel like this.

I clicked on her profile photo and it was her in a black and blue fitted cap, she was wearing red lipstick and wore her hair down curly. She was doing the peace sign and pouting, damn this girl is hot.
I looked through her pictures for a while, i was in awe at her beauty. The way her eyes sparkle and compliment her flawless caramel complexion, the way her hair falls perfectly onto her shoulders And her style was on point! This girl is something else. I picked my phone up to reply but i was so nervous, i felt like i was talking to my crush for the first ever time, wait is this what this is? Do i have a crush? On a girl? Fuck im so confused right now, all i know is that theres something about this girl thats different to any other.

I replied 'Hey, sorry you couldn't find me yesterday i was freaking out with my family hahah, I'm looking forward to meeting you too. I know right I'm so excited. I heard you took an art exam today, how did it go?' God I'm blabbering, i blabber so much when I'm nervous!

We texted constantly for the rest of the day and i smiled every time my phone lit up, we found out alot about eachother and surprisingly we have quite alot in common.
I still dont understand why i cant stop thinking about her, the other girls havent even crossed my mind, shes all i can think about. This is such a new feeling for me, ive had silly little crushes before but not to this extent and never on a girl, this is scary.

I settled down in bed so nervous and excited to see the girls tomorrow, especially Dinah. Tomorrows the day i can finally meet (properly) the girl ive been majorly crushing over for the past 24hours and start putting together our girlgroup of course. I feel so happy and content right now, tomorrow cant come quick enough.

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