Part5(does she know?)

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It has been a week since me and the girls met up, we're meeting again the day after tomorrow to start rehearsing and stuff.
I had been texting all the girls this week but Me and Dinah had texted more than anybody else. We could text for hours on end about everything from our childhood to our goals on life, there was nights where kwe was still awake texting at 3.00am, she still seemed bright eyed and bushy tailed at that time but i was forcing myself to stay awake because i didn't want the conversations to end.

We loved to find out more about eachother we asked eachother so many quesions. Dinah text me today asking if i want to play 20 questions, this is where it got interesting...

We had been playing and asking eachother the most random questions when she text me saying 'Question 12 - what is your sexuality?;)'
I froze for a moment, does she know how i feel? Maybe I've flirted a little too much or maybe she noticed the way i look at her last week when we met.

At first i decided i was going to lie, i mean how else could i explain how confused i was? Without making it obvious i kind of have feelings for this girl. But i cant lie to her, if i have any shot i have to be honest. I replied 'damn girl you getting personal;) i don't really know how to answer this question, I've always considered myself straight up until recently' i sat overthinking, nervous as i waited for a reply. She text 'the games on hold, explain?' I felt sick, what if she judges me? I text back 'well I've always been straight I've never crushed over girls or anything like that at all, but a couple week ago i laid eyes on this girl and i haven't been able to get her off my mind since, cringy right lol? I cant get my head around it its confused the fuck outta me lol so the answer to your question is i have no fucking idea what my sexuality is lol'. Have i done the right thing telling her? She replied 'wait, this is weird as fuck' my face burned bright red with embarrassment, i knew i shouldn't of told her! Before i had chance to reply she text again 'NOT YOU this isn't weird because of you this is weird because I'm going through the exact same situation!! Im straight but I've been confused for a couple of weeks too, since bootcamp I've thought of this one girl every night and i have no idea what to do about it, damn this is crazy'

i sat and started at my phone, at first i was excited that shes capable of being with a girl but then a sickening jealousy burned inside of me, she wants somebody else, i felt sick. I tried to play it cool. 'Oh my gosh, how crazy is this? Im shook lol. So its somebody from bootcamp? Hmm there was a lot of gorgeous girls there' she replied 'its somebody out of Fifth Harmony;) now you have to tell me who yours is' Holy fuck. It could be me?!
But the other four girls are much more beautiful and oh my god what if i have to see her gushing over one of our group members everyday, that would hurt.

I text back almost instantly 'well the girl i kind of have feelings for is also in 5h ;)' 'On the count of three we have to text the name of the girl we want, no lies no cheating just send it okay?' Fuck, im freaking out, do i lie or do i just tell her? This could go horrible wrong! I typed out 'Dinah-Jane Hanson' and counted to 3, sent. this is it..
I looked at my received text peeping through one eye.. 'Lauren Jauregui' FUCK!

My heart sank. I sat staring at the text in total shock, my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest and my jaw was almost touching the floor.
We was clearly both in shock as neither of us replied for atleast 15 minutes. After coming to terms with the situation i decided to reply 'what? Are you serious?' She replied almost instantly saying 'im just a shocked as you are, but i need some time to process this, ill text you tomorrow x'.

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