Part6(face to face)

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Its been 2 days since the conversations me and Dinah had and She hasn't text me since, everytime my phone lit up i grabbed it in hope it would be her, but it never was. I was so confused as to why she would tell me she feels something for me just to leave me hanging like this.

All i wanted to do was text her and ask her what was going on, but she needed time to take it in and i respected that, even though it was driving me mad. Today me and the girls are meeting in London again and to be honest I'm dreading it.
All i could think about was how awkward this was going to be, i thought of a few excuses and decided i was going to tell them i couldn't make it. No, this isn't about me and Dinah this is about my future and following my dream, i have to go, no matter how awkward i may feel i cant mess up my future over a stupid crush that has already gone too far.

On the train my mind was working over time, i was wondering if she really did like me or if she was playing, i wondered if she would speak about it with me face to face or if she had told any of the other girls about it.

As the train pulled into the station a sick feeling washed over me, i had never been so nervous in all my life, im more nervous now than i was in the auditons. I stepped off the platform and all four girls was sat on the bench waiting, i walked over and greeted them as normal, only this time Dinah wouldn't look into my eyes and her hug wasn't half as tight as the last time.
We did the same thing as last time walking and talking about what we had been upto these past couple of days.

When we got to Camilas we got straight to rehearsing, the last time we was here was to get to know more about eachother, this time its strictly buisness. We have to work super hard if we want to make it through to live shows. I shook any unnecessary thought out of my head an sang my heart out. This was the first time we had actually sang together and we all couldn't believe how well our voices actually worked together, this could really be something special.

After rehearsing for 4 hours straight we decided to chill together for an hour before my train home came. Dinah still hadn't made any eye contact with me, the only thing i got from her was half a smile when i first arrived. I hope i haven't fucked our friendship up already, but something isn't right. Why is she acting like this with me? I went to the bathroom before leaving or my train home, when i walked out Ally was stood there.. "Hey i need to talk to you" she smiled politely. We walked into Camilas small Pink and Black bedroom and sat on the edge. "Whats up? "I said nervously. "So I've been speaking to Dinah alot these last couple of days and she asked me to speak to you" "about what?" I asked like i didn't know what was coming. "She told me about the conversation you guys had and how you told eachother you kind of liked eachother" i smiled nervously. "She wanted me to find out more and if you actually meant what you said, she told me she had been hurt so many times before and that nobody ever really fancied her. Shes really struggling yo believe that somebody like you could like somebody like her, also the fact that your a girl has really confused her, her heads a mess" a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing that she really does feel the same as i do brought me such a warm feeling. "Earth to Lauren" Ally gigged. "Sorry im just relieved" i smiled. "So would you like me to report back to her how you feel about the situation?" "No thanks babe" i said gratefully "could you just ask her to text me please? Id like to hear this from her, I've felt how she has too. Confused to how somebody so beautiful could ever fancy plain old me, do the other girls know?" "No im the only one shes told about this, she didn't want anything to get awkward" "Okay well i gotta go catch my train so i better go say bye to the other girls, but please could you just ask her to text me, she said she needed to come to terms with it all thats why i haven't text her yet" "sure" Said Ally kindly as she stood up and hugged me goodbye.

We walked back into the living room and all eyes felt like they was me "Damn girls what took you so long" Normani murmered. "Sorry guys we was bonding" Ally said knowing how awkward i felt. I Hugged the remaining 3 girls goodbye only i squeezed Dinah a little tighter, as i pulled away she looked into my eyes for the first time today and gave me a whole hearted smile. I smiled back said goodbye again and walked out the door to get a cab to the station.

The whole train ride home i couldn't stop smiling. Knowing that she does like me and that i actually have a chance gave me the happiest feeling. That night i climbed into bed and felt so relaxed and at ease knowing that everything was ok, after worrying and not sleeping for two days i fell asleep almost straight away, with a smile on my face.

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