Part8(as time goes on)

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Hey guys, so im really not sure where im actually going with this ive had no feedback so i have no idea weather to carry on or scrap it, if you read this and do enjoy it please give it a vote and let me know what you think :).

Its been 3 weeks since me & Dinah openly told eachother how we feel and honestly its going great. We text constantly and speak on the phone everynight before bed.
You'd think by how much we speak we would have nothing left to talk about, but the conversations just flow about anything and everything. Although we sometimes speak about the same things over & over again, i never got bored. Im so captivated by her, her beauty, her personality, her shocking jokes that she finds hilarious that arn't actually all that funny.

Oh my gosh! Ive been that busy rambling about Dinah i almost forgot to tell you guys WE MADE IT THROUGH TO THE LIVE SHOWS! How crazy is that!?

The first live show is in 3 days from now and i could honestly puke at the thought of it, im petrified.
Dinah helped me alot with my nerves, she taught me crazy little techniques that she uses when she's nervous to calm herself and surprisingly they kind of work.

Im meeting the girls later tonight for another rehearsal im so tired but knowing i get to see Dinah in a couple of hours made a flame mixture of excitement and nerves fire up in my stomach.
Everytime we met in the past few weeks we stole as many secret moments as we could whilst the other girls weren't looking or was out of the room. Nothing major, a few little kisses, holding hands, winks etc.
I know they seem like nothing but to us they were everything!

It still baffled me how somebody i felt so deeply for could feel the same way back about me, especially a girl like Dinah. it hasn't happened to me before im usually the one throwing out feelings for nothing in return, nothing compared to these feelings tho.

As the weeks have passed i have found my feelings growing stronger by the day so much to the point that i now believe im in love with her, id never admit that tho. Not yet atleast.

I arrived at the station to meet the girls later that day and like always we walked and talked until we reached Camilas. We set up the laptop and sorted the mics etc ready to start. I needed the bathroom before we started so i quickly jolted upstairs to hurry up and pee, excited to start rehearsing.

As i walked out the bathroom there she was, stood waiting for me with the biggest smile on her face, she looked even more beautiful today which i didn't even think was possible! Without saying a word she pushed me back into the bathroom, resting her hands on my waist she smiled softly. You look so beautiful she mumbled never letting her eyes leave mine. We knew we had to be quick before the girls wondered what was going on. I put my arm round the bottom of her back and pulled her closer to me, our bodys pushing tightly together. I kissed her lips gently but this time i wanted more than just a peck, i needed more. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and she did the same. We stood in the same position; our tongues slowly grazing over eachothers as we held eachother tight, we made out slowly and passionately for what felt like an eternity, this feeling in my heart could never be forgotten, this was icredible.
I broke the kiss after a long few minutes knowing we needed to head downstairs, but as i pulled away and looked into her eyes i couldn't stop myself,  the words just slid off my tongue, so naturally that i didn't have time to stop myself.
"I love you" i stood shocked at what had just flowed out of my mouth, my face bright red and my body slightly shaking, i can't believe i just actually said that, im such an idiot!
I quickly turned around to walk back downstairs and out of this highly embarrassing situation but as i began to walk she slipped her hands around my waist from behind and pulled me back into her tightly. She kissed my earlobe which made me weak at the knees before whispering "i love you more baby".

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