Part4(more than just a crush)

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I took extra time to get ready this morning, this was a big day for me i have to look the part!
I set off to the train station at 5.00am as my train leaves at 5.35am, early right? Thats because we're meeting in London and I'm from Leeds, takes at least 5 hours to get there.

I sat on the train with my earphones listening to every Drake album he's ever released, he's the only artist who's music i never get bored of. I was thinking about what its going to be like when i arrive and we're altogether, what if we don't connect well? What if we don't sound good together? I mean we've all had text conversations and liked each others pictures on Instagram but the chemistry has gotta be there face to face too, I'm kinda nervous.

I reached my stop and walked off the train nervously, Normani had text me prior saying they would meet me at the station an then we're going to Camila's apartment in the city centre, shes the only one of us who lived alone so to hold our first meeting there seemed appropriate.
I stood still for a while looking around wondering where they was when they walked out the station door and up to me, somehow i felt kind of intimidated. They had met early this morning and i had just arrived, the thought of them all been close now and them not really been interested in me crossed my mind but i shook it off and walked towards them.

Hey girls! They hugged me one by one, then Dinah. She hugged me the same as everybody else only to me this felt like it had lasted an hour already, i could feel my cheeks burning red and a weird burning feeling filled my stomach. What is this feeling? I shook off my thoughts and pulled away from Dinah. I asked how everybody was and we slowly headed to Camilas.

It took us around 45 minutes to get there on foot but we just kept walking and talking about everyone and everything. For once in my life i feel like i actually fit in somewhere and that I'm actually wanted around, these girls are amazing. They're all so genuinely nice and unique, i love that. The thought of the way i felt when Dinah hugged me kept creeping into my mind and as much as i try to ignore it it wouldn't leave my head. Ive tried to avoid eye contact for the duration of this journey, I'm fucking useless at hiding when something bothers me and i didn't want anyone to pick up on it, But what was so special about this girl?

We reached Camila's apartment and it was so beautiful, such a modern classy home with so much style, nothing like my standard 3 bedroom house back home. We all chilled in her living room listening to music and learning more about eachother. Dinah was 20 years old she lived in north London with her mum, dad and 4 siblings. As she spoke and told us more about her i couldn't take my eyes off of her, the way she smiled through her eyes really did something to me, everytime she smiled my belly did backflips. She told us how she was doing a degree on Art and that really excited me as i completed and passed my Art degree a couple months ago, i told her all about it and before i knew it the other girls had gone to make food and just me and Dinah was sat speaking.

We spoke a while longer and it was honestly the best feeling, i was so interested in everything she had to say, I somehow feel like I've known her my whole life. The girls came back into the room and we began talking tactics, after hours of trying to find a name and song we all agreed on and felt right for us we came up with the name Fifth Harmony and the song Impossible by Shontelle, it started to feel real now and non of us could hide our excitement!

I was on the train home that night and i was so overly excited about everything thats going on, i couldn't get Dinahs smile out of my head, i decided to text her. 'Hey girl, todays been so much fun! Im so happy to have now made a friend who actually enjoys my Art talk and not just think I'm a total looser lol' i had to text her i need to feel this feeling and realise what the fuck it is. When she text back my heart was pounding and i found myself smiling at my phone like a total idiot. I cant help but feel like this is More than just a crush.

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