Part7(we can take this slow)

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The next morning i woke to 4 new text messages. One was from Camila asking if i got home ok, i arrived home super later and went straight to bed so she must of text me after i fell asleep.
The 2nd was from Ally asking how i was feeling and if me and Dinah had spoke yet. The third and fourth was from Dinah, the 1st read 'Hey Lauren, Ally said you wanted me to text you and explain why i have been distant with you since the last time we text, i don't know how much of it she explained to you but basically my heads been all over the place, firstly your a girl and for me to feel the way i feel about you has knocked me back i haven't ever had feelings for a girl and i cant work it out in my head, secondly i don't understand how a person like you could ever have feelings for me, your an amazing intelligent girl and im just me. Im sorry for rambling on an making this such a big thing, the reason im so scared of this is because i haven't ever had a relationship where i haven't been hurt, im always the one to be let down, i've been treated so badly man so now even the slightest feeling brings me dread" The second text read "Anyway im so sorry to have kept you hanging like that it was really unfair of me, but i do have feelings for you but it'll take some time for me to be comfortable with it, its new to me. Sorry again boo x"

I had no idea what to reply. Ally told me how Dinah had trust issues even with friends so of course it must of taken her guts to tell me all this. If she can put her feelings in the open like that then i can too, i picked up my phone took a deep breath and began to type
"Hey, don't be sorry i know how it is, we're in the same boat here this is all new to me too. I've never had feelings for a girl either and i've never had feelings for somebody so quickly either it knocked me back too its really shocked me! Of course it will take you time it will take me time too. But we can take this slow and see if our feelings progress, but just for future references i'd never hurt you, its not in my nature. I can't wait to spend more time with you and get to know more of your personality. But i genuinely think your an amazing girl, and im looking forward to what the future holds x"

I sent the text but i sat there filled with regret. I cant help but think im been too forward, ohwel its sent now. We continued texting over the next few days and i noticed Dinah coming out of her shell an opening up to me alot more about things she feels deeply about, it was so nice. I find her so fascinating.
One thing i noticed tho was how insecure she was about herself and that drove me nuts! How can somebody so fucking beautiful be so insecure? If anything can come out of our closeness, i hope i can show her how beautiful she is inside and out! I want to help her learn to love herself because after some of the things shes told me, she really deserves all the love & happiness in the world.
Maybe i could be the one to give her that, but maybe im getting way too ahead of myself. We may never be together but all i know is my feelings are growing fast. And the way shes got me feeling now after a few weeks, ill do anything to prove that i am capable of one day showing her what real love is.

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