Part2(i have to know more)

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I stood centre stage with these four girls who i had never seen before, but one of them really stood out to me. I found myself staring at her a lot more than i should have been, i couldn't take my eyes off of her.
I cant stop wondering who this girl is. i totally forgot where i was for a moment and snapped myself out of the daze. 'You 5 as you are, are through to judges houses'. What the fuck is going on?! Before i even had time to process what i had just been told these 4 beautiful girls who i had never spoke a word to before in my life grabbed me and pulled me into a tight group hug, somehow this felt so right already.

When we was free to leave the stage i sprinted straight to my family to tell them the news, they was ecstatic! After speaking to my family we walked back towards the other girls who was all stood introducing there selfs to each other and there families. As i got closer i noticed the girl i was in a trance by on stage wasn't there. "Hi, I'm Lauren" i said proudly as i approached the group of overly excited families. The 3 girls introduced there selfs as Ally, Camila & Normani and they was genuinely such nice girls, which was a relief.
Hey isn't there supposed to be five of us? I said politely. 'Oh yeah said Camila but Dinah-Jane had to leave straight away, she has a art exam early in the morning and she said she really needs to rest well for it But she gave me her number to pass on to you all'
So Dinah-Jane was her name, what is going on. Why cant i get this girl out of my head?!

Me and the remaining girls sat and chatted for a while, got to know more about eachother and exchanged numbers. As it was time to leave i hugged them all goodbye and arranged to meet up with them in a couple of days to start working on our new girl group, a name and a song choice for judges houses etc. In the car ride on the way home i couldn't seem to think about what had just happened all i could think about was Dinah-Jane. I don't understand why i cant get this girl out of my head, there was something about this girl that was so captivating. I have to know more!

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