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If you aren't comfortable with all the sexual jokes this chapter will have, please proceed until you see the "*"

''So whaddya say?" Lou grinned, leaning closer towards me as her eyes flickered in between me and Josh--who is standing outside, ''you sure you don't know him? Cause I have a strange feeling that he's definitely my big bro."

"And when Lou feels it, I do too.'' Logan stated, laughing as Lou and him managed to get me fumbling for possible answers.

''..Thank you. Alright guys, listen up.'' Will called out before I could reply the grinning twins, instantly saving me from further embarrassment.

Bless you Will!

"..Trojan just called--"

Lou, Logan and I burst into laughter at the mention of the name, leaving Will confused as he raised one eyebrow up at us, ''what's wrong with you three?'

''Who..who the hell named their kid Trojan?" Lou asked in between laughs, tears slipping from the corner of her eyes, "seriously, it's..it's the name--oh my God!''

''What are you guys talking about?"

"It's the name of--" I was cut off when another wave of laughter racked my entire being, ''damn I--I can't even!"

''It's the name of a fucking condom!" Logan blurted, his laughter, mine and Lou's exploded as we gripped the tables for support, ''poor man, named after an effin condom!"

Will's face turned into an amused one as low chuckles escaped his lips, ''I think I know why his parents named him so.''


''Maybe it's a reminder--the day their Trojan was ripped was the day the other Trojan was accidentally made.'' Will said, once again the empty teashop was filled with nothing but our roaring laughter--centered on a poor man that came by the name Trojan.

''Okay, okay, let's get back to our topic earlier," Will said after a while--after we regained our breaths, ''as I was saying, Trojan--"

He was cut off once more as we found ourselves laughing at the very name, unable to hold back our laughs--making us look like loons on display.

Not that any of us care, we're just cool like that.

''Change the name to Troy," Lou stifled her laughter, "we all know we can't handle the name Trojan.''

''Okay," Will breathed out, straightening himself up, ''Troy agreed to help us with the expanding of this teashop.''

''Nothing out of the budget?" I asked, ''he agreed with all of the terms?"

''Nope for the former and yep for the latter,'' Will grinned, "this shop is finally getting an expanding!"

"Woohoo!" We cheered, jumping up and down as we start having our own crazy happy dances, that is until Lou and Logan made us unable to breathe with their words that said, "Trojan rocks! We will respect him till the day Trojan stops its commercials in the telly!"

We basically lost it. Laughing like idiots in our empty tea shop.


I quirked an eyebrow up in amusement as I eyed their little family, laughing their asses off like there's no tomorrow.

Ava Blackburn.

Why am I attracted to her? Why is there something about her that prevents me from not looking at her?

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