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''You know what, Ava, I think you're totally into that boy. What's his name again? Something..Lawson..?'' Lou asked, scrunching up her nose at the last sentence, ''once we found out slash remember--that is if you've told us, we definitely need ship names."

''I haven't told you guys?'' I asked, a wide grin on my face, ''I seriously haven't told you guys?''

''Nope. I was wondering when you'll succumb ans blurt out his name.'' Logan replied, shrugging his shoulders, ''or we just forgot. Either way, in this second we don't know the name.''

Thank the Lord!

"What was that noise?'' Will asked as he trudged in, his hands stuffed in his pockets, "and why is this table--oh, one of you fell didn't you?''

''No, I made out with the table, it gets so overwhelmed it shimmied away and broke the formation.'' I smiled, proud at myself for creating such a wonderful story.

Duh, who am I kidding? Who wants to make out with a fucking table?

''Sure you did.'' Will rolled his eyes, bending over to pick up the table cloth that I managed to pull--in hopes of reducing the impact on my arse--which it didn't actually, but I forgot to return it back on the table--while the twins, are already on another act.

''The male species of this particular animal," Logan started, speaking in an over exaggerated, hilarious fake accent as he and Lou played the narrators of Animal Planet, ''loves to bend over so people can see his butt--oh pardon me for my improper language, I mean, they love to bend over to show their derriere, in hopes of finding a mate.''

''Although it likes to gain attention from their females, it doesn't like encounters with human. It has a, as people say, a head between its legs--in which you shouldn't stare at or it'll attack.'' Lou continued, a smug look on both their faces as Will clicked his tongue, a frown on his face.

''You two done narrating Animal Planet?''

''For now, as you see, is the aggressive state of the male as it didn't find a female to breed with.'' Logan continued, blatantly ignoring Will's question, ''let's just hope that this one--let's call him Tommy, lives till next year. We pray for you, Tommy!"

''Oh my God." I laughed, ''if you work as a narrator for Animal Planet--Jesus, you are so going to get fired during the first five minutes of your show.''

"Yeah, just laugh it off--so hilarious to bully Will huh?"

''Oh shush, don't be such a baby--I found Ava's crush's name!" Lou grinned, waving my phone--bloody hell, why didn't I realise that she took it?!

Blast! Why did I leave my phone like--like five centimetres from Lou?

"What is it?" Will asked eagerly, all traces of anger wiped off his face, "what's the name of the poor boy?''

"Poor boy?'' I frowned, ''you have the audacity to indicate bad things that'll happen if I get in people's close proximity, now, Tommy?''

Lou and Logan laughed as I used their made up name for Will--well more like the species they specifically described earlier, as said boy sighed and rubbed his face, too tired to fire back with snarky remarks--or just to scared that his little siblings will burn him with more intelligent remarks--that he might not even have the brain to understand.

Okay, now I'm being too mean. Will isn't stupid--he's just childish and mostly too lazy to reply to our remarks. If he's putting some effort, he's smart.

''Sorry," Will said flatly, not looking apologetic at all, if anything, he looked smug, ''I have to be honest. Now, what's the name of the unfortunate male human that has to be in this witch's radar?''

"His name is William Doesn't Need to Know-son.'' I frowned, that name sounded so much better in my head--now that I said it, it sounded so retarded and too..idiotic.

''It's Josh--work out his last name on your own, Will.'' Lou grinned, ''if you paid attention, Willy Wonka, you'll know. If you don't, well..''

''You might never find out.'' Logan finished, ''by then we need to pray for Tommy everyday, Lou, you will have to help too, Ava.''

"Stop calling me Tommy will you? And I paid attention, it's Lawson. I'm not an idiot, even if I don't remember, a shop across ours says 'Lawson's', I'll take a wild guess and say it's that.'' Will replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest, a scowl stays on his face as a determined look danced in his eyes, eager to prove himself to Lou and Logan--when actually his statement urged the twins to come up with a better, wittier comment that Will won't reply to, because Monsieur William is lazy at ze moment.

"Well, if the shop across from ours says 'Schartzmooglie' would you still take that wild,'' Logan scrunched up his nose, ''rather stupid guess?''

"Nah, I'll just be honest.''

''Doubt it.'' I scoffed, ''you'll probably bribe me to get above the twins.''

''True that.'' Lou laughed, ''enough about Tommy, though, we need ship names, it's urgent.''

I groaned, ''I can't do anything to stop you guys now, can I?''


''What about JoVa?" Logan asked, blatantly ignoring my discomfort, expressed through my murderous glare--or what I hoped is a murderous glare and not a look of constipation.

''No way! It sounded like the gibberish version of 'just fuck' like what the eff?'' Lou replied, shaking her head, "We need a name with a brilliant meaning!"

I shake my head, sighing, nothing's really going to stop them now. Not even a turbulence, an earthquake, an effin apocalypse won't stop them from getting what they want--a ship name.

''JoBurn?'' Will asked, cringing as he realised how stupid that name is.

''No, it's so ugly it's just sad.'' Logan shook his head, a look of disgust on his face as Lou laughed at his statement--that I'm 100% agreeing with.

''AJo?'' Lou frowned as I know she thought that it isn't good enough--yet it crossed her mind, ''It sounds like a cup of joe, well, we do sell a cup of joe..it's so weird though.''

"What about BlackLaw?''

''Okay it sounded like some pure illegal mafia kind of thingy. No way in hell is that mighty horse fetus is involved with the mafia.'' I protested, earning knowing looks from the twins and one of confusion from Will.

Now now, I'm the one that suits being a mafia more than that fetus, I am a mastermind, a brilliant one, and I look decent. I'm mafia material.

If I say those things above aloud, I wonder what fetus might say?

''Seriously though Ava, mighty horse fetus?"


''Ason? Good enough?" Logan piped in, his face brightening as Lou grinned at him--clearly agreeing as her next statement left me with my jaw dropped.

''Ason? Oh my effin God! That's it! Ason=a son! They're so going to have a son! That's it then!''

I'm speechless.

''It sounded like arson though.'' Will pointed out.

''That's the other point!  Arsonists burn buildings! Love spreads so quick like a fire! Ason it is then!'' Logan replied, having the same thought as his sister's as they gave each other a high five, triumphant looks on their faces.

Well, welcome to my life. I just started college and they expected kids from me!


So here's another update--rather short update, really, but an update nonetheless! :)

I've had tons of exams every end of the month, hence the super duper late update, hope you guys enjoy this update ;) ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment and have a wonderful day!

Didn't Expect Thatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें