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-Next Day-

I tapped furiously on my snooze button in my phone--since I stupidly set it to 10 minutes early--before you judge me and say 10 minutes mean nothing, I would like to say fuck you first, and now I think my phone just wants to torture me--by jamming the snooze button.

''For fuck's sake!" I groaned, rolling on my bed to grab my phone on the bedside table, only to find a note beside it--who the hell leaves notes nowadays?

Ah, our very own Benley--descendant of the king of everything old and boring.

Ava, I gotta go home and grab the hideous orientation tee and take a shower and all that. I'll pick you up at 8 yeah?

''Hideous? Did he say hideous?'' I slurred, ''I haven't even seen the effin tee--but if it's hideous..''

I'll just grab another tee!

''No!" I slapped my own cheeks, ''what will that baby face think if he saw me being a delinquent on the second day of orientation?"

Not that I love him or some of that shit--for fuck's sake, we barely know each other--it's just, I don't want to taint this baby in my college.

Nah, not a baby, try a fetus.

''Yeah, a fetus." I nodded to myself in satisfaction.


"..so today we're expanding our network? Yay so exciting.'' I muttered, sarcasm thick in my voice as I trudged the halls with both London and Benley, ''seriously, we'll just look like bloody idiots, shoving our papers to people's faces--just to ''expand your networks'' so they say!"

"Only Ava would make it sound like drug dealing," London joked, lightly punching my shoulder, ''and I don't think it's gonna be that bad--I mean, you could ask for Fetus' contact, right?''

"Absolutely no," I stated, ''why would I need a Fetus' contact?"

Speaking of which, there he is--the mighty horse baby--er, fetus.

Why did that sound so mean..?

"Hey!" I called out to him, shoving my paper to said fetus' face, ''can you please fill this up?"

"Seriously," Benley deadpanned, ''The village of Joirunilulu is missing their idiot.''

''No they're not," I pouted, ''I'm not from that village--I come from under the hill," I grinned as Benley raised an eyebrow in confusion, ''and under hills my path has led.''

''Stop quoting The Hobbit Ava,'' Benley deadpanned, leaning over to whisper to my ear, ''at least stop being weird in front of your fetus crush.''

Tut tut, dear BenBen, not my crush, just a fetus--a fetus in junior high school.

Does that even make sense?

''I thought you said boys like crazy girls better!" I whisper-yelled, faking a look of shock on my face as I jabbed a finger to BenBen's chest, ''make up your bloody mind!"

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