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-Several Weeks Later-

"..hey hey," Benley called out as he fumbled with his phone, "we're in the same class for entrepreneurship!"

I laughed in glee as I did a happy dance, slinging my arm over BenBen and London's shoulder, dragging them from their seats to dance with me.

Can't blame me for being happy!

"And Josh is in our class too--"

Now, I stopped dancing and squealed so loudly, flailing my arms around--eh, maybe I even looked like a dying pig, refusing to be brought into a slaughterhouse--who knows?

"Jesus Christ, Ava," London glared at me playfully as she covered her ears, "you're putting the banshees to shame. I know you like him and all--"

Pause right there. You guys might be confused now, with me saying that I don't fancy the mighty horse fetus, and now this? Well, because I am an amazing being of a beautifully and sincerely kind heart--okay, that sounded completely pompous, sorry! My point is, something happened in the past weeks and so I would rewind the time back to a few weeks ago..


I wiped the sweat off my forehead with one hand as the other clutched the stupid board that we were all told to hold on to, in the middle of the courtyard--correction, scorching hot courtyard, boys and girls all stuffed near me--I might just die of their odour right then and there, wouldn't it be a fascinating headline for the newspapers, though? AVA BLACKBURN, 18, DIED OF SUFFOCATION DURING COLLEGE ORIENTATION.

Blast blast blast! Why the fuck must we do things of such unimportance anyways?

A senior trudged over to me as I huffed out a couple of profanities, my eyebrows drawn together as the she-devil, the senior heading over to me--who banned us from wearing make ups, is wearing, I don't know, 5 inches thick of make up? And it's all smudged because of the heat--making her look like the ghost from Lights Out.

Or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks, after all the heat is scorching!

But then again, I want to believe it's just her face, ha!

As the she-devil stopped right in front of me and raised her hand, I panicked--what if I said all that shit about her out loud?

Fuck, Ava--

I didn't think I said it out loud, no,

But, this woman..had the audacity to--Jesus Christ, how dare she?

How dare she touch my precious, sacred, magical eyebrows?

Ew her make up smells weird! Her hand feels clammy, Jesus Christ! Bleh!

"I'm checking if you have any make up on." She said with her stupid nasal voice as I accidentally--or not so accidentally cringed, at both her actions and her voice.

"Well I don't." I said defiantly, raising an eyebrow up, "I'm not that stupid."

Will I be able to survive college if I ripped off her fake lashes and slapped that piggy-like face right this second?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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