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Art by myself dind it on Instagram @jishbuns

Even if me a Josh are cool he never hangs out with me anymore.

We've been best friends since 2nd grade. I remember the days josh and I would sit down on the phone with each other during middle school to finish homework together, just so we could hang out later.

Every year I remember us picking out backpacks for the new school year but we would usually go with red and blue.
They were our colors.
I was blue, he was red.

It was cliche but I didn't care.
I always wished for more.
I wanted more than a friendship but he's left me.
How do I fix this, where did we go wrong. Was it me?
Was it the lack of communication?
I want to know.
I need to know.

♡ we'll try again ♡ [joshler]Where stories live. Discover now