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I broke my thumb today fun.. Tyler broke some of his fingers.... CONSPIRACY

"Mom, please"

"Tyler, no. Honey you're being bullied at school. They broke your fingers for no reason I don't want you going there anymore"
She slowly tried to explain.

"Mom, it's fine I'm used to it.. I mean it's fine I dont care if I'm getting bullied I don't want to leave the school!"


I feel so weak. This situation is dire. I don't want this. I have no power here. I just want to keep tyler safe but how can I do that if I'm not safe myself? I'm trapped here probably hurting him more than if I were to leave Debby.

How does one person gain so much power like that? It's uncanny, and all because she's a homophobic bitch or does she really care so much about having a boyfriend?

I don't get it.

♡ we'll try again ♡ [joshler]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora