22: love?

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Art by me @jishbuns

It was a dream.
Oh, how I wish I could tell him that.

He's missed 3 days of school because of me.
Two of them I was asleep, fighting to stay alive because I tried to leave. I still do but not right now.
Not at this moment in time.

I know I'll never marry. This just ain't living and I hope you know, but I don't think you do.
All my agony, cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.

One day I will leave before my time was up. Before the timer even stopped because I'm gonna force it to stop. I will not live after high school, i just won't.

No one will stop me.

Josh walked in the room with a smile. The only thing that made him happy was me being awake and alive.
It's all pity.

"I ordered you food" he started.
"The nurses said I had to make sure you ate because of your history of not eating" his smile was gone but that's fine because it was fake anyways.

I signed.

I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry.
I'm to fat for that.

"Tyler.." I looked at him, confused.

"You know I love you right?" He mumbled, looking down at his lap.

My cheeks heated up and I started to blush.

He's lying tyler.


I wanted to long for that not to be true.

"I l-love you too" he looked up at me with the biggest smile.

I was happy.


I had to change up some things for the lyrics part so it would go with the story but I guess this is happy?

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