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I started to feel apperhensive about this. The class period was almost over and I got scared but happy at the same time.

The teacher gave us the okay to pack up and I grabbed my binder and shoved it in my backpack.
The bell rang.

I stood up and flung my backpack over my shoulders.
A huge smile slapped across my face.

Josh caught up with me and we started walking out of the class.
By the time we made it home we both were laughing like we used to. It felt normal.

I unlocked the back door and pushed it open.

"MOM, I'm home I brought josh!"

"That's fine!"I heard my mother call from her room. We both walked up the stairs to my room.

I loudly threw my backpack on the ground, flipping it off as Josh sat on my bed.
"Thanks,ty" he laughed a little.
I just simply blushed and laid on my bed slipping my shoes off with my feet.

I sat up, smiling brightly.

"It's nice you know" he said calmly as he moved more onto the bed crossing his legs.
"You smiling.." He looked at me for a moment.
Which made my smile even bigger. My cheeks felt warm. I probably looked like a bright red cherry.

I sat in front of him and started talking about my day.
"Well she never gives homework so I had gotten really pissed because she did on friday and I threw my pen across the room on accident"

my stories never made sense but I think that's why Josh liked them.
I started playing with the sleeve on my sweater. I slowly look up at Josh and smiled. This was really nice. The nicest it's been in months.

Before I could open my mouth again Josh leaned forward and kissed me.
My eyes opened wide as I simply pushed him away. I can't hurt debby with this but it was what I wanted but I cant.

He looked at me as if he was scared.

"I'm sorry! I just got caught up in the moment. I'm sorry!" He tried explaining but it all sounded so rushed, trying to hear what he was saying was to hard.

Oh shit look at that ..

♡ we'll try again ♡ [joshler]Where stories live. Discover now