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Getting dressed was the worst and the best part of the day. It was the best because I loved fashion and I always got to try something new, but it was the worst because it meant leaving my warm bed and my equally warm pajamas behind. 

I had woken up extra early today because we had our last OWL exam this afternoon and I needed to get some studying in before going to play rehearsal. Honestly, I don't know what Professor Beery was thinking when he scheduled all these practices on exam days. Didn't he know almost all of his cast were in fifth year and had OWLs? 

By the time I had actually gotten out of my bed, the other girls were starting to wake up. I quickly leaped up, grabbed the clothing I had laid out the night before and slipped them on. I swiped a bit of mascara onto my eyelashes and grabbed my bag.

"Morning, Eliza." Alice called as I rushed out the door. I took a couple steps back, wished her good morning and took Marlene's arm. Together we dashed down the stairs, two girls, half dressed, half ready, and totally not awake.  


"Miss Evans! Miss Evans, wake up!" I jolted awake as someone tapped my head. I saw it was Professor Flitwick. Suddenly it all came back to me. Sisterhood last night,  practice this morning, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. Oh no. I quickly glance down to see my paper. It seems to be trying to escape but it was trapped under my arm. I look over it for a second and I am relieved to see it's all filled out. I breathe a sigh and lift my arm so it can fly into the stack of exams at the front of the Great Hall. 

"Sorry, Professor."

"Oh it's quite alright," He says happily. "I remember when I was studying for exams. Always stayed up too late. Well now that they are all completed, you can get the well deserved rest you need. Now go on and enjoy the sunshine!" He says and leaves. Okay, then. I scoop up my pen and ink and return it to my bag before getting up and out of the Great Hall. I must say, it is kind of embarrassing to be the only person to fall asleep in the exam. I wonder if I have been the only person to ever fall asleep in an OWL exam. I wouldn't be surprised to see my name in Hogwarts: A History for being that one person. 

When I get to the entrance of the court yard, I am expecting to see people making fun of me for sleeping but they don't get the chance to, even if they wanted. Instead I come face to face with my sister, no doubt a little upset. Actually, maybe a lot.

"Whoa, Lily," I say as she stormed past me. Before she could get far, I grabbed a hold of her arm. And she was crying. "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you ask your best friend over there." She said, angry and jabbed a finger in the direction behind me. I turned my head and saw James, Sirius, Peter and Remus tormenting Severus Snape. There was a big crowd around them, chanting for them to take Severus' trousers off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lily. I know he's your friend." I say when I turn around. She laughs.

"Not anymore. He thought he'd try to be cool while I was trying to help him and called me a Mudblood! A bloody Mudblood! He was trying to impress his little Slytherin friends!" She says, obviously hurt. I would be too. Calling someone a Mudblood was a serious offence. I know Severus Snape had been a good friend to Lily before this. I hadn't had a chance to meet him before I got carted off to Durmstrang but I know he was there for Lily when Petunia started her mean stride. It was all because when she owled to Dumbledore asking to become magical and go to Hogwarts too, he declined her. It was all because we could do something she couldn't. But I can understand, if that was me, I would be pretty jealous too.

"Come on, lets go to the Common Room and you can tell me what happened. I think I have a couple sugar quills left we can eat." I tell her and link my arm with hers. This is the first and last time I fall asleep in an exam.

When we get to our dorm, I fish around my drawers until I find what I'm looking for and pull out two sugar quills. I give her one and she proceeds to tell the story. It starts off with her seeing me fall asleep in the exam at which I roll my eyes at. She laughs at me. Then she tells me that she was down by the docks with the other girls and she sees some commotion on the grass. It was James and his friends. They have taken to starting to call themselves the Marauders, which I have no idea why. I hope they know what that means. They decided to play a little trick on Snape and Lily got mad. Like all the time when they wanted to pick of Severus. But this time, Snape had called her a Mudblood when she tried to stick up for him. I frowned.

"It seems to me that maybe he was a little embarrassed. I know it wasn't the right thing to do but maybe he was just trying to defend himself?" I conclude. 

"Defend himself?" She laughed, "What on Earth would he need to defend himself against?"

"Well for one, Voldemort. But that's aside from the fact. As much as I love James, he and his group are bullies and I hate that. Maybe Severus thought he had to do this all by himself to be called brave."

"Are you trying to tell me, that he was trying to be a man?" Lily asked with a giggle. I burst into laughter as she pretended to flex her muscles. I flicked my sugar quill at her and we both started laughing uncontrollably. 

"Are you okay? I mean he's a git if he thinks he can do that, especially to the Lily Evans." I ask as we stop giggling. 

"I'll be fine." She tells me with a smile. I look at her for a minute before nodding and agreeing. Then I get up.

"Okay. I'll be back. I just have one thing to take care off." I tell her and start to walk out the door. Marlene walks in and goes to sit beside Lily. I exit and walk out of the Common Room. It was a couple of hours till dinner and everyone was still outside enjoying the sun and the end of exams. When I get out into the court yard I see who I'm looking for, near the lake. I huff and approach them.

"I've got a bone to pick with you, James Potter!" I fumed. He turns his head to look at me, and there's a smirk that I want to slap off his face.  

"Eliza Evans. What a wonderful surprise. What can I do for you?" He remarked. I laughed mercilessly. 

"For one, you can wipe that look off your face." I point out. "And two, I can't believe you did that." 

"Did what?"  He questions. I think he's trying to see how far he can push me. He stands up and turns towards me. He's a good few inches taller which doesn't help my case. 

"You. Know. What. You. Did!" I say and with every word I jab my finger at him. 

"Oh, come on, Evans. We were just having a bit of fun." Black says from behind James. I glare at him before turning back to James.

"I thought you liked her? How about that, for ruining any chances you would ever have with her." I tell James with a pointed look. But it's true. If he thought he was going to get any chance with Lily now, he was surely wrong. 

"Oh, come on," He wined, "I didn't even say anything. Snivellus is the one who called her a bloody Mudblood!"

"That may be so, but you ruined her friendship with Severus. No matter what you say, she will always blame you. And bloody hell James, maybe if you laid off all the bullying once in a while maybe she would consider liking you. That starts with calling Severus by his real name. And apologizing to her." I say and he looks down. I know he really likes her but if he thinks that he would ever have a chance, he was really going to have to change his attitude. 

"That goes for all of you." I tell the group, "Even if you didn't say anything, you could have stopped it but you didn't. So get to it." I say and all the boys walk up to the castle, grumbling for having been told off. When we enter the Common Room I call Lily down and one by one, the boys apologize. I don't know if Lily really believed them but she took the apologies with a nod, which I appreciated.  When she disappeared back upstairs the boys and I all took a seat on the couches.

"No way in hell am I calling Snivellus, Severus." Black muttered under his breath and I hit him in the back of the head. It was the beginning of a very great friendship. 


Happy Easter everyone! And if you don't celebrate, hope you had a fantastic day!


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