Chapter 6: Reid

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  • Đã dành riêng cho To Kevser and Gloria

A/N: I have to thank 2 very special people Kevser and Gloria with out you I wouldn't be uploading this. And Kevser thank you very much for the kiss scenes!

Could I be more pissed. Probably. But Brontë sure knows how to piss a guy off. "Yes. I am fine. Thank you for asking." I smiled back. "Just enjoying a romantic swim with my girl." Brontë adjusted her stance arms folded, eyebrow raised. In her long sleeved crop top and shorts. I felt Isabelle replaced the missing part of her bikini before she came round.

"Brontë." She smiled. "Haven't seen you in like forever."

Brontë wasn't buying it. "Please Bitch I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today." Isabelle, retaliating to Brontë's non-stop snarky, draped herself over me. I watched Brontë shiver a little bit.

"Well this is nauseatingly painful." Brontë mumbled. "Enjoying your meal?" She asked with mock enthusiasm, we both looked at her. "Because girl you look like your trying to eat him."

Isabelle stopped. "Excuse..." Brontë dived into the water before she could finish. It was too dark to see where she'd gone.

"Where did she go?" We were both looking around.

"Hopefully she'll drown." Isabelle said. I looked at her. "Be lost to the blue seas forever."

"Can I take you with me?" Brontë asked. Isabelle screamed. Brontë grinned. Isabelle went to hit her but she ducked under water again. Isabelle's arm collided with the water.

"Freak. Honestly." Isabelle growled. She moved behind me looking for her.

Brontë suddenly in front of me, inches from my face. We stared at each other. Isabelle yet to notice. Then she kissed me. Hand around the back of my neck, the other on my chest, tracing the muscles and leaving a trail of fire behind. I responded to her. Arms around her body, deepening the kiss. "OI!" Isabelle came back round and Brontë slipped from my grip back down into the dark depths. "This bitch is freaking me out! And why were you letting her kiss you!?"

"Chill, Dizzy Izzy." Brontë grinned. She was perched on the rocks. Illuminated by the moon behind her, standing right in the centre, I eyed her silhouette and the curves of her hips. "Now I see why you two are together. You're both really..." She emphasized 'Really' in my direction. "...bad kissers. Honestly Reid, I thought you'd be a little more experience." She smiled standing up and diving off the other way. My arms felt different now she wasn't in them. Where her skin had touched mine.

"Yo!" Isabelle snapped her perfect fingers in my face.

"Hmm?" I turned to her. She glared daggers at me.

"Ugh! I thought you were different Benedikt!" She whined. "And why did she call you Reid!?"

"Reid's my name. And I'm not much different from the other boys I came with." She squealed in complaint.

"Why did you call yourself Benedikt?!" She asked.

"Um, that's also my name." I replied.

"Oh my god." She shrieked. We both heard a small laugh suddenly silenced. "THIS BITCH IS FREAKING ME OUT!"

I turned to her smiling. "She does that."

I threw stones at the window I knew was hers. A small glass angel hanging where the sun would hit it and shoot rainbows from. Typical Brontë. She came to the window. She sighed opening it.

"Do you own a shirt?"

"I own many."

"Put one on." She started to close the windows.

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