Chapter 8: Reid

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Braxton opened the door to the bathroom and two frightened girls at the end.

Brontë standing protectively in front of Briar. Brontë holding Briar's hand. Brontë and Briar sighed loudly in relief.  Briar giving us the finger. Brax grinned at them.

"Assholes." Briar muttered. "Cheap..."

"Briar." Brontë warned. "You can come out now."

"You pulled me out of a shower, Brontë." They looked at each other. "A shower. I'm in a towel." They looked at us. "Just a towel."

I turned around and walked out.

"BRAXTON GET OUT!" Briar ordered. "Geez, I can't believe he's related to us." Brax closed the door and leaned against it.  Smiling

"Do you purposely get on their nerves." He nodded. "It's not nice."

"Who said we were playing nice?" He asked.

"The first time I met Brontë, that was one of the first things she said to me."

"Doesn't surprise me. She's not exactly sociable." The door opened suddenly, Brax stumbled back, landing on his arse. Briar and Brontë looked at him.

"Get up." Briar ordered. Brax followed Briar across the landing and down the stairs, a slightly bouncing. "Stop bouncing you monkey!"

"You frightened us." I jumped at how suddenly she was there.

I nodded. "I'm sorry. And you frighten me."

"Good." She nudged my shoulder with her head. "What are you doing here?"

"Just here with your brother."

"If I let you lie to me will you tell me the truth?" She asked. I chuckled

"That's against the point." I replied.

"I know." She replied, looking at straight in the eye. "Why are you really here?" I sighed.


"Please, come on, when someone tried to barge down the door, you acted like you knew who was trying to get in." She stared at me with her almond shaped eyes, opening them wider and making her look younger and adorable.

"Honey, you're brother and I are here on Vacation." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Fine." She replied. "Don't tell me." She walked around me. "And don't call me honey."

"Just gonna walk away?" I asked.

"No, I'm gonna fly," She said sarcastically. "Come on dude, you've gotta be smarter to keep up with me." I walked out after her onto the landing as she descended the first set of stairs.

"I'm already ahead of you." I called.

"In your dreams," She replied swinging round the banister and down the steps below the landing.

"You star in my dreams, treacle." Her hands wrapped around the wooden poles on the banister in front of me. Her head came up, looking down as she climbed up.

"Treacle?" She asked, looking through the poles.

I got down in front of her. "You said not to call you honey." She put her hand through the banister and cuffed my head. "HEY!"

"I told you not to call me honey."

"I didn't."

"Yea you did. Who's ahead now?" She dropped down to the floor. I jumped up and looked over. She smiled up at me, straightening up from her crouch and walking off.

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