Chapter 5

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After the night of the sunset, Reid and Brontë had admitted they were friends with a unique friendship; they disliked each other but enjoyed one another’s company. They’d been into Sacramento in Brontë’s topless Jeep Suzuki as she refused to go anywhere the highway on the motorbike so they came to the compromise of Reid driving her Suzuki.

“I haven’t been here in ages.” Brontë smiled, offering her purple tinted sunglasses to him. He waved them away as they walked in the sand on the beach.

“I come here most days, I twenty minutes from here.” He informed. “And no we are not going to my house.”

Brontë pouted. “Why not?”

“Because there is no way I’m letting you anywhere near my brothers.” They stopped where the dry sand did. Reid dropped his jacket and white T-shirt to the floor, his phone in the pocket. He took her out of the back pocket of her high waist jeans.

“What’s so bad about your brothers and what are you doing?”

Reid opened his mouth but was interrupted by another male. “Yea, library, what are you doing?” Reid groaned, closing his eyes and letting his shoulders slump. Brontë spun around immediately seeing a trio of boys coming towards them. In shorts, one wearing a white jacket and no top, one in a plain top and another like Reid, no top. Brontë laughed. “Please tell me you’re his brothers!?” Brontë grinned clasping her hands. They nodded.

“I’m Gordon,” The tallest with brown hair wearing an open jacket and no top. “Tom…” The topless one with dirty blonde hair. “And Will.” The only one fully dressed

“Yus!” She turned to Reid and grinned at him. “Ooh,” She sighed happily. “You don’t look only one wearing a T-shirt.

“It’s Brontë,” She said as she stopped glared at Reid when he laughed at her. “Oh I’m gonna kill you.”

Resting his hands on his knees he looked at her. “I actually don’t doubt you will.” He replied. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around her and hugged her to their chest in a crushing bear hug, yanking her off the floor, moving towards the water. “OI! GET OFF ME!”

“Come on Will, put her down!”

“You too buddy,”

Will had waded out into the water and dropped her in. She shrieked landing in the water that came to Will’s knees. She spat out water, glaring at him. Reid was thrown in further than her. The trio were howling with laughter.

Brontë and Reid exchanged looks. “Oh you’re going to pay for that,” Reid called, pulling Brontë to her feet. Brontë had never felt so small as she did right now. The water was only coming to Will’s knees and he was the smallest, the water was halfway up her thighs. Reid gave her a small push to start her walking.

Confused as Brontë and Reid walked between the three boys. “What are you gonna do?” Tom asked.

“This!”  Reid tacked with the Gordon and Tom. Will looked at Brontë who had just caught on and gave him a knowing smile.

“No, come on.” She knocked into him tripping before she could push, they both collapsed back into the water. Suddenly getting splashed with water as the other three boys decided to team up and attacked Will and Brontë.


They'd been irritating each other. They'd been laughing at each other. As Reid and Brontë laid on the floor under the tree once more. Two weeks Brontë had known him, yet she can't imagine a day going by without him.  

“You put me in a very awkward position.”

“I apologise for falling asleep in your car.”

He poked her. “I thought I would have to carry you inside.”

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