Chapter 7: Brontë

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I was slightly envious. Well 'slightly' was slightly under-exaggerated. I was envious. I'm not to sure what the deal with Reid was, though it was definitely at a 'more than just-friends' stage. And I was definitely jealous when the boys arrived. Alex and Arianna's boys turned up first. Jesse and Rory. Jesse was the tall Mr-full-of-himself, with Dark brown hair and eyes to match. Rory, Dishevelled brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes and dark stubble covering his chin. Gangly, boy. Out of all of the boys, Jesse was the badass, always got either a smoke or a tooth pick in his mouth. Unless he was admiring himself or kissing the here to eternity out of Alex.

"Whoa, little Bree!" Jesse swooped in picking up Briar who had greeted him, giving him a bear hug. His frame big and intimidating. Rory was a little more level-headed.

"Boo Boo, how are you?"

"Fine." I replied. "ALEX! ARI! I have a surprise for you..." I sang. "Can I wrap you guys up in gift wrap so it is a surprise?"

"Sure." Jesse laughed.

"Is that...? Did I...?" Alex said galloping down the stairs.

"I think you did." Ari added. Alex swung into the room and halted, her cheeks flushing red. Jesse's intimidating body was suddenly relaxed and more shy. Arianna collided into Alex, causing her to fall forward. Jesse heroically catching her. They looked at each other, shyness suddenly overcoming them. Her cheeks got redder. "Hi." I smiled, brow raised at Alex. "Don't judge." She said.

"I am."

ON the other hand, Rory and Arianna were the complete opposite. laughing, kissing, hugging. Talking at the same time, only they understood each other. Briar and I retired to the kitchen as Liberty and Beth came in.

Another manly knock banged on the door. "If they knock any harder they'll break the door." Briar informed, her lips on the rim of a glass. Chase and Justin made their appearance. Beth and Chase going a level under mad for each other. And Justin had circled Liberty in his arms.

This was shortly followed by Lucas. "Skye Baby?!" He yelled. Skye bounced in, nearly knocking Briar's glass flying and all the juice from her mouth back into the glass, and jumped into him.

"Gross." She muttered throwing it away.

"Bree." Is started. She held up her index finger to me. Signalling silence.

There was chatter. Lots of it. And noise. Briar and I clambered onto the countertops separated by the sink.

"Oh hey." Chase said, finally realizing we were present. Briar gave a small wave, I lifted my glass at him.

"Please, don't mind us." Briar said. they took it literally. Briar gave me the 'I give up' gesture.

Briar and I were left on the bench again whilst the couples engaged in a game of who can throw their partner furthest into the water.

"No put me down Justin!" Liberty shrieked as he swung her up into his arms and threw her in. I sat on the banister, laughing, Briar having taken my hair down and now braiding it. I was happy for them. The house across the lake, I got a feeling we had an audience.

"Brontë, help over here." Briar called, trying to hoist a Arianna out. I jumped off and held my hand out for Alex.

"In you come." She yanked on my arm and I tumbled head first in. I was dis-orientated at first, swimming down instead of up, but Alex grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me up. I gasped and started laughing.

The boys were a big handful, I felt like I'd been hit by a Tsunami of love and boy chaos. When Skye had a good idea, go out to town and have a walk around, get a couple Pizza's - and that was just for Jesse and Alex. Briar and I were the first ones to agree and had them out the house about 5 minutes later. We both collapsed against the door hearing their laughter and shouts echo threw the block. Alex and Arianna yelling lyrics to '$ting' by the Neighbourhood.

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