Chapter 4

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We jumped off the roof, and I tried to ran as fast as I can, they are chasing us with a gun and knives, freddy was shot in his arms, his wounds started to bleed, the only thing in our mind is to make himself comfortable. Every time he lowers his arm the blood flows down. So he decided to raise up his hand every time to prevent the blood to spill out. We covered up his wounds with a bandage, thanks to the lady who named margarette, she is a nurse, she has a survival kit, were only four trying to survive. The gun mens are still looking for us. there is no emergency services, no 911 calls, no hospitals, everything is gone. We tried to hide in the bushes to keep ourselves better.

(Margarette) hi! Im margarette. Im a nurse, freddy's arm is only a Minor injury, everything is ok. We only have to take the bullet out of his arm.

(Scarlet) how we going to remove the bullet out?

(Margarette) im going to use my materials and uhm..just keep relax. I can handle it.

(Freddy) how deep does the bullet stucked in my arm?

(Margarette) I think its only 8 centimeters from the outer skin. I can figured it out.

(From the sequel of  the new lease "train to divisoria")

So, freddy is fine. We only have to take precautions on his arms from getting forced or tap to stop it from bleeding, and the bullet on his arm was taken away. Were here in the hospital and still no services here, no doctors, no nurses. We have to combine a chemical substance to get our weapons more intensively brutal from the enemies. But margarette used the chemical from a dead person, but the substance only affects the skin. I think that substance was useless with a dead person, But basically, uh.. Is that a dead person? Why is he moving? And he's shaking and freezing. I think We have to get out of here! We got to get out! That person was violently shaking his head off. Is that a drug? after a minute, that person starts being hysterical and crazy. We dont know whats happening, i thought he is a dead person? and he's acting like uh. Like a zombie!? What the heck margarette!? What did you do to him? Hes violently shaking. I think that is the effect of the chemical that you used to him recently.


What the hell!? Margarette was dead! She was eaten by a dead person, her legs are chopped off! They are eating her!! Ruuun!!!

We decided to run and hide. Were beyond shock. We dont know whats happening!? And then after a second margarette is also shaking her head too. And she acts violently too.
After an hour and a long run, we were safe and escaped from a horde of zombies. But the gunmens saw us. We run again, but they entered the hospital and they think that we are still there.

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(New! "Train to divisoria" sequels will release this fall)
It may takes time to be updated every week due to the release of "train to Divisoria".

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