Chapter 5 - Into The Unknown

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Tobi sits on a comfortable orange sofa, next to her. Aethernia feels sudden attack of detestation and panic, so she has to close her eyes and wait a few seconds, just to let it go away. Tobi waits silently till she opens her eyes again.
- Your kingdom looks absolutely impressive – he says, smiling warmly. His eyes are dark, but they are shining with glimmering sparks of childish curiosity and admiration. It fascinates her.
- Thanks – she answers shortly. She doesn't even know how to talk with him as she didn't talk to any human being for eight long years. It makes her feel even more uncomfortable.
- Can I ask you one question? - Tobi looks in her eyes in such a skittish way she has to turn her head away from him.- No.
But, of course, she knows he won't listen. She knew it even before she met him, just by reading his lyrics. „I take what I want”, he sang once. Aethernia smiles furtively when he asks:
- How did it happen that you got all these things in the middle of deep forest? How do you get money for it all?In this moment she wants to escape and find herself a new hermitage. But instead of it, she answers:
- I inherited much wealth when my grandfather died. It was enough to build this room. Now I earn money too. I sell art.
- Art? That's interesting, but what do you actually mean?
Aethernia makes a sloppy move with her head just to focus his attention on a wall covered with paintings.- These are mine and I sell them. - she responds calmly, observing how his brown smiling eyes become bigger and bigger.- They are so gloomy and sombre – he says finally – But I like them. Do they tell a story or something like that? I may be wrong, but I guess there is a kind of concept.- Sort of - Athernia nods sullenly – But the story is kinda sad. You wouldn't like to hear it.He opens his mouth to deny, but she siezes a moment of silence and says:- Now my turn to ask a question. How did you get here?Tobi laughs suddenly and the laughter is so soft and friendly that Aethernia closes her eyes again just to relish every single sound of it.
- Oh God, it was such a stupid desire of mine... I have a little break from creating music and taking part in concerts now. You know, let's call it „holidays”. Exclusive trips to luxurious places don't attract me anymore, so I decided to do something crazy. Only me and my motorcycle, sleeping outside on the carpet made of soft grass, drinking water from the crystal brooks and reaching places I don't know yet, go into the unknown. I didn't even tell anyone about this idea. One day I simply left my home... And now I am here.
He laughs again, but Aethernia doesn't feel cheery at all.- Why did you choose this track? It is the most difficult one.
- Yeah. That was th main reason.
She shrugs just to show her disinterestedness, but in fact she is a bit nervous. - I could expect it.The gracious silence comes, but Tobi breaks it ruthlessly after a few seconds:
- It is very silent in here. Maybe you would like to play one of your CDs? Aethernia likes this idea mainly because she can finally stand up and escape from his curious glance. She approaches to her huge collection and chooses „Hellfire Club”. Tobi laughs again when he hears first sounds of „Mysteria”. - Oh damn, I didn't expect it at all.She sits next to him again, a little more rlaxed. Music always makes her feel good.- Tell me something about your bands and your life – she asks suddenly, surprised by her own voice – some stories, facts, I don't know. Something.The last thing she sees is his smile. Then she closes her eyes and relaxes, listening to his friendly voice. „I must have gone crazy”, she thinks and for a while she feels as if everything was all right.

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